Kristyne Dahl
Lecture de cartes d'ange de 30 minutes par téléphone/en ligne - Kristyne Dahl
Les lectures de cartes angéliques sont similaires aux lectures de tarot, sauf que ce sont vos anges et vos guides qui vous guident pour choisir les cartes, contrairement au Tarot où votre « conscience supérieure » choisit les cartes à faire interpréter par le lecteur.
Ainsi, lorsque vous recevez une lecture angélique, vous posez des questions à vos anges. Cela peut être spécifique, cela peut être vague, comme vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez aussi simplement demander aux Anges : « Que voudriez-vous que je sache aujourd'hui ? Les Anges répondront à votre question en retournant les cartes avec la réponse. Ils vous donneront des conseils et des mots d’amour !
N'importe qui peut recevoir des lectures d'Ange et n'importe qui peut donner des lectures d'Ange. Un conseil pour que vous sachiez quand les conseils viennent des anges : ils ne vous orienteront jamais dans l’erreur, ils ne vous guideront jamais pour faire quelque chose de négatif ! Les anges sont là pour vous guider et veulent vous aider, mais ne peuvent vous aider que si vous le leur demandez. Ils vous sont divinement dévoués.
Alors, avez-vous déjà réfléchi à votre question ?
Lecture de 30 minutes................................70$
Lecture de 60 minutes................................90$
Lecture de 90 minutes..............................150$
Les lectures intuitives commencent par exploiter l’énergie et le potentiel du client. Les messages reçus sur les niveaux physique, émotionnel ou spirituel serviraient de guide aux clients cherchant à clarifier les étapes qui leur seraient les plus bénéfiques. Une lecture intuitive encourage les clients à exploiter leur connaissance divine intérieure, ce qui leur permet d'atteindre leur plein potentiel.
À quoi s'attendre?
Une « Lecture intuitive » peut être différente d’un client à l’autre. Au cours d'une lecture, le client peut entendre des détails dont lui seul sait qu'ils sont vrais. Un sentiment de clarté émerge lorsque le client est prêt à enquêter avec le soutien de l'empathe intuitif pour trouver des réponses sur les meilleures mesures à prendre. Après la séance, le client peut se retrouver avec plus de clarté, plus de concentration, un sentiment de bien-être, de confiance et de tranquillité d'esprit.
Angel Card Readings are similar to tarot readings except that your Angels and Guides are the ones guiding you to pick the cards unlike the Tarot where your 'higher consciousness' is picking the cards to have interpreted by the reader.
So when receiving an Angel Reading you ask your Angels questions. It can be specific, it can be vague, whatever you like. You can also just ask the Angels "What would you like me to know today?" The Angels will answer your question by turning up the cards with the answer. They will give you guidance and words of love!
Anyone can receive Angel readings and anyone can give Angel readings. A tip for you to know when the guidance is coming from the Angels is, they will never steer you wrong, they will never guide you to do anything negative! The Angels are here to guide you and want to help you but can only help if you ask them to. They are divinely devoted to you.
So, Have you thought of your question yet?
30 minute reading..............................$70
45 minute reading..............................$80
60 minute reading..............................$90
90 minute reading..............................$150
Kristyne Dahl
Lecture de cartes d'ange de 60 minutes par téléphone/en ligne - Kristyne Dahl
Les lectures de cartes angéliques sont similaires aux lectures de tarot, sauf que ce sont vos anges et vos guides qui vous guident pour choisir les cartes, contrairement au Tarot où votre « conscience supérieure » choisit les cartes à faire interpréter par le lecteur.
Ainsi, lorsque vous recevez une lecture angélique, vous posez des questions à vos anges. Cela peut être spécifique, cela peut être vague, comme vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez aussi simplement demander aux Anges : « Que voudriez-vous que je sache aujourd'hui ? Les Anges répondront à votre question en retournant les cartes avec la réponse. Ils vous donneront des conseils et des mots d’amour !
N'importe qui peut recevoir des lectures d'Ange et n'importe qui peut donner des lectures d'Ange. Un conseil pour que vous sachiez quand les conseils viennent des anges : ils ne vous orienteront jamais dans l’erreur, ils ne vous guideront jamais pour faire quelque chose de négatif ! Les anges sont là pour vous guider et veulent vous aider, mais ne peuvent vous aider que si vous le leur demandez. Ils vous sont divinement dévoués.
Alors, avez-vous déjà réfléchi à votre question ?
Lecture de 30 minutes................................70$
Lecture de 60 minutes................................90 $
Lecture de 90 minutes..............................150$
Angel Card Readings are similar to tarot readings except that your Angels and Guides are the ones guiding you to pick the cards unlike the Tarot where your 'higher consciousness' is picking the cards to have interpreted by the reader.
So when receiving an Angel Reading you ask your Angels questions. It can be specific, it can be vague, whatever you like. You can also just ask the Angels "What would you like me to know today?" The Angels will answer your question by turning up the cards with the answer. They will give you guidance and words of love!
Anyone can receive Angel readings and anyone can give Angel readings. A tip for you to know when the guidance is coming from the Angels is, they will never steer you wrong, they will never guide you to do anything negative! The Angels are here to guide you and want to help you but can only help if you ask them to. They are divinely devoted to you.
So, Have you thought of your question yet?
30 minute reading..............................$70
45 minute reading..............................$80
60 minute reading..............................$90
90 minute reading..............................$150
Les lectures de cartes angéliques sont similaires aux lectures de tarot, sauf que ce sont vos anges et vos guides qui vous guident pour choisir les cartes, contrairement au Tarot où votre « conscience supérieure » choisit les cartes à faire interpréter par le lecteur.
Ainsi, lorsque vous recevez une lecture angélique, vous posez des questions à vos anges. Cela peut être spécifique, cela peut être vague, comme vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez aussi simplement demander aux Anges : « Que voudriez-vous que je sache aujourd'hui ? Les Anges répondront à votre question en retournant les cartes avec la réponse. Ils vous donneront des conseils et des mots d’amour !
N'importe qui peut recevoir des lectures d'Ange et n'importe qui peut donner des lectures d'Ange. Un conseil pour que vous sachiez quand les conseils viennent des anges : ils ne vous orienteront jamais dans l’erreur, ils ne vous guideront jamais pour faire quelque chose de négatif ! Les anges sont là pour vous guider et veulent vous aider, mais ne peuvent vous aider que si vous le leur demandez. Ils vous sont divinement dévoués.
Alors, avez-vous déjà réfléchi à votre question ?
Lecture de 30 minutes................................70$
Lecture de 60 minutes................................90$
Lecture de 90 minutes..............................150$
Angel Card Readings are similar to tarot readings except that your Angels and Guides are the ones guiding you to pick the cards unlike the Tarot where your 'higher consciousness' is picking the cards to have interpreted by the reader.
So when receiving an Angel Reading you ask your Angels questions. It can be specific, it can be vague, whatever you like. You can also just ask the Angels "What would you like me to know today?" The Angels will answer your question by turning up the cards with the answer. They will give you guidance and words of love!
Anyone can receive Angel readings and anyone can give Angel readings. A tip for you to know when the guidance is coming from the Angels is, they will never steer you wrong, they will never guide you to do anything negative! The Angels are here to guide you and want to help you but can only help if you ask them to. They are divinely devoted to you.
So, Have you thought of your question yet?
30 minute reading..............................$70
45 minute reading..............................$80
60 minute reading..............................$90
90 minute reading..............................$150
Angel Card Readings are similar to tarot readings except that your Angels and Guides are the ones guiding you to pick the cards unlike the Tarot where your 'higher consciousness' is picking the cards to have interpreted by the reader.
So when receiving an Angel Reading you ask your Angels questions. It can be specific, it can be vague, whatever you like. You can also just ask the Angels "What would you like me to know today?" The Angels will answer your question by turning up the cards with the answer. They will give you guidance and words of love!
Anyone can receive Angel readings and anyone can give Angel readings. A tip for you to know when the guidance is coming from the Angels is, they will never steer you wrong, they will never guide you to do anything negative! The Angels are here to guide you and want to help you but can only help if you ask them to. They are divinely devoted to you.
So, Have you thought of your question yet?
30 minute reading..............................$70
45 minute reading..............................$80
60 minute reading..............................$90
90 minute reading..............................$150
These meditations, are dedicated to supporting you on your journey allowing you to access angelic support as well as reconnecting to your authentic spiritual self. We will explore the Angel Realm giving you an opportunity to receive personal and profound divine guidance.
Everyone has their own team of Angels. Generally most people have 3 – 9 Angels on their team. In addition to your own team of Angels you also have access to the universal Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Deities, and any other loving beings you may feel connected to. They are always there to help and want to offer you the guidance and information that you need so you can move forward in the most positive and fulfilling way.
These evenings provide a safe, fun and relaxing environment, as well as an opportunity to share and connect with others of like mind. Join us for a chance to truly relax, rejuvenate, and re-connect with the Angels as well as your own higher self so that you can create the most positive, fulfilling and enjoyable experiences each and every day now.
Time: 7:00 - 8:30pm
Facilitator: Kristyne Charlotte
Cost: $33
Every month at the Divine Mine, we will meet for an evening of inspired discussion and guided meditation organized around the day of the full moon. These mediations will help you develop awareness and understanding of the zodiacal energies and how to use these energies to transform yourself into a healthier, happier, and more successful person.
Some people think that such gatherings are worshipping the moon or doing some sort of odd ceremony. In truth, it has nothing to do with the moon. At the time of each full moon, the moon is blocked by the light of the sun. The sun is in direct alignment with a zodiacal sign and this alignment of the planetary and solar centers creates the opportunity for the sun to transmit its energy to earth - either directly, or via the ruling planets of that sign. The direct transmission of this energy or contact releases tremendous energy all over the planet. In the words of Torkom Saraydarian: "This opportunity for contact is a moment of regeneration, a moment in which one can again contact his lost vision or contact a new and greater vision, charge all his being, and set his steps right on the path of evolution and service... there is a greater opportunity to annihilate many obstacles and hindrances in one's nature."
Please mark your calendars and join us for an evening of reflection and renewal.
Facilitators: Kristyne Charlotte
Time: 7:00 - 8:30pm
Cost: $33 + GST
You might have heard of Past Life Regressions in which you are taken on a guided journey back to a past lifetime to heal past traumas, and resolve karmic issues. Not only is it possible to travel back in time, but it is also possible to move ahead to a future time in your life or a future life time - this is what a Future Life Progression is all about. This is a very gentle, safe and joyful experience. A Future Life Progression can take you to a time where you have mastered your lessons and are living your dream, in which your vibration level (or level of consciousness) is high. Then this experience is taken back to this life time and integrated on a deep subconscious level, and the cells of your body will start to resonate with this. Result? Feeling happier, creating the life you love to lead - starting NOW!
Why would a Future Life Progression be beneficial?
You always have a choice. You can live in a place of love and happiness, or you can live in a place of fear. Or somewhere in between, where you are merely surviving every day instead of enjoying every moment of it. Why not choose a wonderful life for ourselves? Life was never meant to be a struggle! All experiences are merely lessons. What do these lessons lead us to? Spiritual growth, re-connecting with our highest potential, fully enjoying life and the realization that we are spiritual beings having an experience of being human.
Who could benefit from a Future Life Progression?
If you feel stuck in a certain area of your life and don't know how to move past this, or would like to manifest other experiences in your life - whether it is abundance, optimum health, happiness, the love of your life, having the job you love, and...you fill in the blank..- then a Future Life Progression is the perfect experience for you!
Empower yourself; learn that you are not a victim of your circumstances, but that you can create the Life you have always dreamed of and beyond!
How does this work?
Everything, whether living or non-living, is always in a state of vibration - including physical objects that appear to be solid, different forms of energy like electricity and light and even our thoughts and emotions. Different emotions also have different levels of vibration. For example, emotions like anger and sadness vibrate at a lower frequency than emotions like joy and bliss. One is not better then the other - they just vibrate at a different frequency, so we experience the lower frequencies as not pleasant and the higher frequency as pleasant. The state of being we are in most of the time determines our overall "vibration level". Our drive, whether we realize it or not, is to connect with "source" again, to raise our vibration level and expand.
Future Life Progression and the Law of Attraction
You are the creator of your own life. Every experience, person, and situation has been attracted by you, even if you are not aware of this. Like a magnet you attract everything that resonates with your thoughts and feelings, and level of awareness - Like Attracts Like. If there are areas in your life that you are not happy about, it simply means that it is not resonating with your higher self, or your highest good at this time. Future Life Progression will assist you in becoming the Master of your own life, empowering you and supporting you in becoming a conscious creator of your life.
For more information on the different levels of consciousness read Dr. Hawkins' book "Power vs. Force".
2 hour session....................................$150
Kristyne Dahl - M.H., C.Ht. - Hypnotherapist & Spiritual Counselor
*We ask that you please read our disclaimer before booking a session.
**Please note that as much as we LOVE babies and children, but we do ask that you find childcare for your children when coming to a reading. We have other services happening at the same time in the store such as massage and like to keep the noise level down, and our staff is not able to watch your children while you have a reading, thank you for understanding.
These meditations, are dedicated to supporting you on your healing journey allowing you to access divine support as well as reconnecting to your authentic and most powerful self. We will explore the best ways in which to heal your mind, body and spirit at this time for you.
The divine sources are bringing you an opportunity to receive personal and profound divine healing energies throughout the meditation. We all have access to the universal Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Deities & other divine sources for the purpose of deep and profound healing. These Divine sources are always here to help and want to offer you the healing energies and support that you need so you can heal in the most efficient and empowering way for you!
These evenings provide a safe, fun and relaxing environment, as well as an opportunity to share and connect with others of like mind. Join us for a chance to tap into healing, relaxation, rejuvenation, and regeneration maximizing your healing potential.
Time: 7:00 - 8:30pm
Facilitator: Kristyne Charlotte
Cost: $33
What Can Hypnosis Do For Me?
Most people know that we only use a fraction of our brain's potential. What most people don't know is that Hypnosis can be a tool for unlocking the deep power of the human mind.
"If you can conceive it and you can believe it, then you can achieve it!"
Empower Yourself with Hypnosis to:
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is an altered state of mind that bypasses the conscious mind and allows direct access to the subconscious. It allows the critical area to be put aside and objectivity to be obtained. Hypnosis occurs in every person just 5 seconds before going into the sleep state. In hypnosis we prolong this brief interlude so that we can work within its perimeters to accomplish goals.
What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?
Hypnosis is simply a very relaxed state that feels familiar because it is familiar. Besides experiencing it before falling asleep, we also experience it when daydreaming, and often when driving with our minds on something else. Have you ever been so preoccupied with something that you didn't hear someone calling your? Reading, watching films and doing hobbies can all create naturally occurring trances. Your mind is fully aware, you will hear everything that goes on and you will be able to communicate. You will find hypnosis to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Individual session (2 hour session) ................................ $150
Pre-Pay 3 sessions (three 60 min sessions).................... $380
Pre-Pay 6 sessions (six 60 min sessions) ...................... $750
Kristyne Charlotte - C.Ht., M.H., M.C. Hypnotherapist & Spiritual Counselor
*We ask that you please read our disclaimer before booking a session.
**Please note that as much as we LOVE babies and children, but we do ask that you find childcare for your children when coming to a reading. We have other services happening at the same time in the store such as massage and like to keep the noise level down, and our staff is not able to watch your children while you have a reading, thank you for understanding.
Common Misconceptions About Hypnosis
1. In hypnosis, a person will do anything the hypnotist suggests.
False. The individual in a hypnotic state will not do anything against his or her principles or moral standards.
2. A person may not come out of hypnosis.
False. There is not a case in recorded history in which a person failed to come out of hypnosis.
3. A person must be in a deep trance for hypnosis to be helpful.
False. People respond favorably to overcome unwanted habits and self improvement suggestions best in the light to medium state of hypnosis.
4. Only weak minded people can be hypnotized.
False. Contrary to popular belief, the more intelligent and imaginative the person, the easier it is to be hypnotized.
5. A hypnotized person is unconscious or asleep.
False. If you are in a deep sleep (REM) you are no longer in hypnosis. During hypnosis you hear everything that is said and you remember much if not all of what is said. In the deepest state of hypnosis, there is a tendency to forget portions of the hypnotic session.
There are 4 main types of intuitive abilities called the clairs: clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience (clear hearing) and claircognizance (clear knowing). During your training you will learn which one of the clairs is your most dominant as well as learn how to strengthen the others.
This course has been broken down into 5 different levels, other than the very last class they do not need to be taken in order; so if you need to take them in a different order due to scheduling conflicts, etc., you need not worry. The first 4 levels must be complete before taking level 5. By the end of these courses you will have the tools necessary to build your confidence as an intuitive counsellor.
Level One: Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)
Clairvoyance, often referred to as the third eye, is the most difficult of the clairs to describe and understand. It can be as subtle as having a vision of a colour, or number or as powerful as a full-blown premonition. The more subtle visions can be a challenge to interpret and can mean different things for different people based on personal experiences. During your training you will become skilled at deciphering the meaning behind your visions and how develop them into stronger premonitions.
Facilitator: Kristyne Charlotte
Cost: $125+GST
Time: 10:30-5:30pm
Date: Saturday, November 2nd
Level Two: Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)
Clairsentience is perhaps the most basic of the four clairs. It is the ability to receive intuitive messages via feelings, emotions, or physical sensations. These messages may also include being able to feel other people’s emotions (empathy) where you may actually end up feeling the same way someone else is feeling because of your empathic ability. One very important aspect of this class will be learning to shield yourself from constantly taking on other people’s energies and controlling how and when to use your clairsentience.
Facilitator: Kristyne Charlotte
Cost: $125+GST
Time: 10:30-5:30pm
Date: Saturday, November 16th
Level Three: Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)
Clairaudience is a way to receive intuitive messages inside ones own mind either from your own intuition or from spirit. Psychic mediums are an example of the clairaudient ability, where they are able to hear words or phrases from those who have passed on, even sometimes in the actual voice that spirit had on the physical plane. You will learn how to tell the messages apart (either your intuition or from spirit) and gain confidence in the messages you hear which will in turn lead to your ability to receive more messages.
Facilitator: Kristyne Charlotte
Cost: $125+GST
Time: 10:30-5:30pm
Level Four: Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)
Claircognizance is the ability to just know something with out logic or facts. Sometimes referred to as your ‘gut instinct’, knowledge can just come to you as if you have known all along or as a feeling that something is going to happen. Since claircogniazance doesn’t have a corresponding physical sense it is hard to know if you have it and harder to develop it. However, unlike the previous 3 clairs, the information you receive is clear and doesn’t require interpretation so it can be one of the most power clairs to possess! In this course you will perform exercises to help you to trust this ability and to nurture this ability to help it flourish.
Level Five: Syncing the Clairs & Reading Others
Prerequisite: Levels One – Four
In this final level you will learn how to use your clairs in a reading, both with and without the use of oracle cards. There will be quite a bit of practice in this level to help build your confidence. As well you will receive some one-on-one guidance to help sync the clairs specific for your abilities.
Intuitive readings start with tapping into the energy and potentials of the client. Messages received on physical, emotional or spiritual levels would act as a guide for clients seeking clarity as to which steps would be most beneficial for them to take. An intuitive reading encourage clients to harness their inner divine knowing which empowers them to reach their fullest potentials.
What to expect?
An “Intuitive reading” can be different from one client to another. During a reading the client may hear details only they know to be true. A sense of clarity emerges as the client is ready to investigate with the support of the intuitive empath to find answers as to what’s the best steps to take. After the session the client may find themselves with more clarity, more focus, a sense of wellbeing, confidence and peace of mind.
30 minute reading....................................$70
60 minute reading....................................$90
90 minute reading....................................$150
(you are welcome to bring a recording device to record the session)
Click here to buy an online Intuitive Reading session - we will contact you to book a time when receive payment. You can also call the south store 403-279-9555 to book an online appointment, once we have you booked we will send you an online invoice, when you complete your payment your information is forwarded to the practitioner so they know when to contact you.
Kristyne Charlotte - C.Ht., M.H., M.C. Hypnotherapist & Spiritual Counselor
*We ask that you please read our disclaimer before booking a reading.
***Please note that as much as we LOVE babies and children we ask that you find childcare for your children when coming to a reading. We have other services happening at the same time in the store such as massage and like to keep the noise level down, and our staff is not able to watch your children while you have a reading, thank you for understanding.
Les lectures intuitives commencent par exploiter l’énergie et le potentiel du client. Les messages reçus sur les niveaux physique, émotionnel ou spirituel serviraient de guide aux clients cherchant à clarifier les étapes qui leur seraient les plus bénéfiques. Une lecture intuitive encourage les clients à exploiter leur connaissance divine intérieure, ce qui leur permet d'atteindre leur plein potentiel.
À quoi s'attendre?
Une « Lecture intuitive » peut être différente d’un client à l’autre. Au cours d'une lecture, le client peut entendre des détails dont lui seul sait qu'ils sont vrais. Un sentiment de clarté émerge lorsque le client est prêt à enquêter avec le soutien de l'empathe intuitif pour trouver des réponses sur les meilleures mesures à prendre. Après la séance, le client peut se retrouver avec plus de clarté, plus de concentration, un sentiment de bien-être, de confiance et de tranquillité d'esprit.
Have you ever wondered who your spirit guides are? Have you wondered if they have anything to tell you? Do you have questions for them? Through the wonderful relaxed state of hypnosis you can meet your spirit guides and Angels.
The purpose of this session is to communicate with your spirit guides and/or guardian angels. Prior to the session you will want to think of a question that you may have for your guides, this can be a general question such as "What would you like me to know?" or as detailed and specific as you would like "What is my life purpose and how do I begin to follow my path?"
Your job during the session is to just listen and relax. My job is to walk you through the relaxation techniques which allows you to get to a place where you can easily communicate with your guides. This is accomplished through a technique called hypnosis. This is completely safe and a naturally occurring state.
2 hour session....................................$150
Kristyne Dahl - M.H., C.Ht. - Hypnotherapist & Spiritual Counselor
*We ask that you please read our disclaimer before booking a session.**Please note that as much as we LOVE babies and children, but we do ask that you find childcare for your children when coming to a reading. We have other services happening at the same time in the store such as massage and like to keep the noise level down, and our staff is not able to watch your children while you have a reading, thank you for understanding.
Each month during the new moon phase, we will meet at the Divine Mine for an evening of learning, inspired discussion and guided meditation. These evenings are designed to help you develop your manifestation skills and intuitive senses. Join us to manifest the life you desire and live the most fulfilling and successful life possible for you.
The transmissions of the new moon energies have a tremendous effect across our entire planet. When we tune into these particular energies through meditation we enhance our senses, especially our intuitive ones. When we amplify these senses, it gives us an innate ability to manifest our desires effectively & naturally.
*Please note that when you enhance these senses you actually become more attuned to them, which is something that can make a huge difference in your life.
The New Moon is all about manifesting, so be sure you know what it is you want. It is also known as the dreaming Moon, so it’s the perfect time to pay attention to your dreams from your sleep state and from your waking state.
For Your Information - The difference between the full moon and the new moon is:
The Full Moon – Is a time for focusing on our gratitude’s and blessing’s. It is a time to be mindful of all that we have, and all that we have created.
The New Moon – Is a time for focusing on our desires, dreams & what we want to manifest now. It’s a time to look within to discover what we really want. It’s a chance to discern our deepest, truest, desires and then manifest them naturally.
Both of these moon cycles offers our planet incredible opportunities. And if you desire to, you can work these moon cycles together by utilizing the full moon and the new moon energies to live easier and softer lives.
Please mark your calendars and join us for an evening of meditation and manifestation.
Facilitator: Kristyne Charlotte
Time: 7:00 - 8:30pm
Cost: $33 + GST
A past life regression can be used to explore this life's events and relationships to those you know now, and how you were connected in past lives. It can help us to enhance and crystallize what is good in our life today, by seeking to look into those past lives where we have lived our strengths and talents. A past life regression can bring understanding and clarity into some issues that seem to be blocking your progress in living joyously. This can be especially helpful for anyone who is having an unexplained difficulty in their daily living. Other issues to explore are: lack of personal power; career dissatisfaction; lack of commitment; unexplained anxiety or fear; unexplained illnesses and, unexplained reactions and feelings towards people.
Kristyne uses hypnotherapy to guide you to a relaxed comfortable place within yourself, and then moving you deeper into the subconscious mind where you are fully aware and in control of your session, to recall or relive a past life.
You state your intent of the past life that you wish to recall, and in doing so your subconscious will present it to you. You will need to put aside the judgments, doubts, and criticism of the ego/mind to allow the process to happen. It takes willingness on your part, being open to explore other realms and levels of consciousness.
In a past life regression negative energy that may be present from a past life can be released by the subconscious usually after seeing and understanding the events of a past life. This release of this negative energy will then be brought forward, into this life, changing your negative patterns. You may notice the change almost immediately in your life. It may show up in the way you connect with those in your life that you have a past life connection with, your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being may be different. Old fears or health issues may clear up that were related to that past life.
2 hour session....................................$150
Discover your past, transform your present
Have you ever wondered about who you were in a previous life? Wonder where you lived? What you loved? Who you loved? Maybe you felt like you already knew someone so well right from the first meeting, it’s as though you already knew each other?
Are you curious about how one life could relate to the next? Why certain souls show up over and over in one life after another? Maybe you’re curious because you have noticed patterns or cycles in your life?
In this workshop you will learn about past lives & how exploring them can help you now in this life. You will learn how to explore the past for yourself & why you would want to in the first place. You will gain access to critical information that will help you maximize your ability to tap in and access the past and finally get to understand yourself better!
You also get an opportunity to join in a group guided session after you learn the information you need to maximize your sessions potential.
Friday, November 29th; 12:30 - 2:30pm
Facilitator: Kristyne Charlotte
Cost: $50+GST