Himalayan salts are mined in the foothills of the Himalaya mountains, primarily in Pakistan. As these salt beds were covered by lava, ice and snow for millions of years, Himalayan salt is free of many modern-day pollutants. The pink colour of the salt is a result of the amount of trace minerals including potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium. In total, Himalayan salts are said to contain 84 minerals and elements which can help reduce acidity and inflammation in your body.
Himalayan salts can be used to help balance the pH level of your skin as well as contribute to increasing blood circulation, which improves the look and feel of your skin. It can also assist in sleep regulation and relieving stress, which will encourage an overall sense of harmony within your day-to-day life.
Please note: Himalayan salts are only available in coarse grain.
Country of origin: Nepal