
Kristyne Dahl

Past Life Regression - Kristyne Charlotte

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Kristyne Dahl

Past Life Regression - Kristyne Charlotte

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A past life regression can be used to explore this life's events and relationships to those you know now, and how you were connected in past lives. It can help us to enhance and crystallize what is good in our life today, by seeking to look into those past lives where we have lived our strengths and talents. A past life regression can bring understanding and clarity into some issues that seem to be blocking your progress in living joyously. This can be especially helpful for anyone who is having an unexplained difficulty in their daily living.  Other issues to explore are: lack of personal power; career dissatisfaction; lack of commitment; unexplained anxiety or fear; unexplained illnesses and, unexplained reactions and feelings towards people.

Kristyne uses hypnotherapy to guide you to a relaxed comfortable place within yourself, and then moving you deeper into the subconscious mind where you are fully aware and in control of your session, to recall or relive a past life. 

You state your intent of the past life that you wish to recall, and in doing so your subconscious will present it to you. You will need to put aside the judgments, doubts, and criticism of the ego/mind to allow the process to happen.  It takes willingness on your part, being open to explore other realms and levels of consciousness. 

In a past life regression negative energy that may be present from a past life can be released by the subconscious usually after seeing and understanding the events of a past life. This release of this negative energy will then be brought forward, into this life, changing your negative patterns.  You may notice the change almost immediately in your life.  It may show up in the way you connect with those in your life that you have a past life connection with, your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being may be different. Old fears or health issues may clear up that were related to that past life.

2 hour session....................................$150