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Legends say that before there was time, before there was language, there were the sacred symbols. The Medicine Wheel, the Curse, the Eagle, the Jaguar, and others spoke to us intimately. In their countless manifestations, they offered hope, expressed caution, illuminated opportunity, inspired creation, courted power, and shared knowledge. The sacred symbols belong to the realm of archetypes and the collective unconscious, the spiritual common ground shared by peoples modern and ancient.
Now, three master teachers and healers- Alberto Villoldo , Colette Baron-Reid , and Marcela Lobos - have brought their wisdom and talents together to offer a doorway into the realm of the sacred symbols with the Mystical Shaman Oracle . When you consult the oracle, you summon power and insight that can help you understand the present, heal the past, and influence the course of your future.
We can become our own prophets and visionaries. We can converse directly with Spirit, dialogue with the forces of nature, speak with the great archetypes-the ancient gods-without intermediaries. No one needs to stand between the Creator and you, or between you and the great powers of nature.
Internationally acclaimed oracle expert and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid has created a unique oracle card deck that opens a gateway to Spirit through the archetypal energies of the living beings that share our planet.
Animals, Colette explains, are allies for our souls and act as our teachers and sacred healers--but our disconnected way of life has often blinded us to this truth. Now, however, our world is poised for a shift as we begin to hear a call to renew our sacred connection to all that is. The 62 cards in this deck are tools to enable our transformation.
Each animal, two-legged or four-legged, feathered or finned, from water, earth, or sky, has the potential to deliver a special message aligned with your authentic need, arriving at just the right time and place. Each carries a transcendent archetypal symbolism and offers a message of enduring truth to help you act in a way that brings purpose, prosperity, and magic to your life. Every card in the deck has an essential meaning (for Antelope Spirit, it's "Life is speeding up!") along with a detailed Oracle Message and a helpful Protection Message. Canary Spirit, Dragonfly Spirit, even Electric Eel Spirit--all have essential wisdom to impart, if you're ready to listen.
"Something magical is stirring in the heart of our beautiful planet these days," Colette tells us. "Can you feel it too?" If the answer is yes, you've come to the right place.
"Smudging" is the common name given to powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition; however, the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is a common practice among many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. It is a ceremonial way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning, and you can cleanse crystals or other objects of any negative or lingering energy with a smudging ritual.
It’s really personal preference as to when and how often to smudge. Here’s a list of just a few occasions where you may find it beneficial.
- during a full moon to help you release
- during a new moon to welcome new beginnings
- on the equinoxes
- before you meditate, start a ritual or healing session as well as after
- to cleanse your crystals
- when you first move into a home
- when you begin a new job or business
- after a negative guest leaves
- after an argument
- after a break up
- to lift your mood
- if your having trouble sleeping
- during an illness
- if you feel a ‘presence’ in your home
- when you bring a new piece of furniture/home decor into your home (especially if it’s a second-hand item)
When smudging, put the material of your choice in a shell, clay pot or other non-burnable container (putting some sand in the bottom of the container will help when/if you need to extinguish the smoke). Light it, allowing it to burn for a few moments. Fan out the flames, it is the smoke of the smoldering herbs or incense that clears negativity, cleanses, focuses and purifies.
If you are smudging your home, make sure to get the smoke into all 4 corners of each room, in closets and cupboards. Starting in the furthest corner and working your way to the front door is an effective way to move the negative energy out of your space. If you have a multi-level home you can start in the basement and work the energies up the stairs to the front door, do the upstairs next and finally the main floor to finish. Once you are done open doors and windows to help pull out the moved energy.
Popular herbs and incense used:
Sage – purification
Desert Sage - purification
Cedar – renewal & protection
Sweetgrass – welcome good energy
Lavender – invitation of spirits
Myrrh – maintain a state of enlightenment
Frankincense – cleanse & protect
Copal – cleansing, protection & divination
Palo Santo – grounding & clearing
Pine – cleansing & protection
Mugwort – clarity & purification, carries & reflects moon energy
By Jose Luis Stevens
Power is everywhere, encounters with power can happen any time. ‘In my travels to meet these extraordinary healers,’ writes Jose Stevens, I’ve had terrifying, enlightening, and at times hugely entertaining adventures. Power can destroy us or it can raise us up by teaching us and nourishing us. I may not be a master, but I have learned a few things that you may find helpful on your own quest.
By Henry Mason & Brittani Petrofsky
Discover how you can use crystal energy for improved health, wealth, relationships, and a better life. This book also includes twenty-nine expertly designed grids that you can use immediately to reinforce and magnify the power of your crystals.
By Andrea Polard
Discover Dr. Polard's groundbreaking synthesis of Western thinking and Eastern philosophy with A Unified Theory of Happiness, a warm and personalized guide for the transformation of consciousness that allows personal well-being and fulfillment to flourish. While our lives are full of ups and downs, Dr. Polard teaches us that we don't have to let these ups and downs control our experience of life. A Unified Theory of Happiness teaches you the skills to choose and accept happiness by illuminating:
“Happiness,” says Dr. Polard, “is a complex path that becomes easy only as we walk it.” At last, here is a work that provides a comprehensive understanding of happiness that honors the full spectrum of life's offerings while broadening your experience of its inherent joy.
By Elizabeth Prophet
The quest for love and for that perfect partner is really a quest for wholeness. With warmth and wisdom, Soul Mates and Twin Flames helps men and women explore the spiritual dimension of relationships and find new keys to wholeness and true love. You'll learn about soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners. You'll come to understand why you attract certain loves into your life. And why even the most difficult relationship can be a springboard into that perfect love you've been searching for.
Working with the Angels to Release, Heal, and Transform
Wings of Forgiveness is a book written for anyone who is ready to release their past and find freedom from fear. Kyle has found through his personal psychic practice and work with the angels that when people are experiencing difficulties, there is one topic that helps click everything else into place - forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not an easy subject, but it is a necessary focus in spirituality and personal growth. In Wings of Forgiveness , the reader is taken on a journey - not outside of themselves, but within. They are encouraged to see and accept that they are held and cherished by the divine, that there are loving angels by their side, and master souls in heaven that have walked the path before them.
In order for forgiveness to take place, the healing must begin inside - then it can start to reflect outwards and into the reader's life. Kyle draws on many spiritual texts, including A Course in Miracles and The Gnostic Gospels , making these sacred concepts more accessible for his 21st Century readers. Together with the angels, he will show you how to call in the power of heaven to help you forgive, release all that no longer serves you and experience joy and peace.
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By Carl Klimuk, Astrologer, Master Herbologist & Wholistic Practitioner @ The Divine Mine
For All Signs: This month we are reminded to reconnect with our health and well-being. Take a good look at any area of your life that is or has become unhealthy. Make the appropriate changes. Reconnect with all aspects of your health be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. As the old Virgoan philosophy says: cleanliness is next to godliness. Also, look at how and where you can best serve this world and your community. This is a good time to further develop your skills, gifts and talents. Clean and organize your home, your body and your life.
Don’t be surprised if you turn into a bit of a social butterfly this month Aries. Reunions with old friends, invitations left right and center may become the norm. This is a good time to connect with others on both a personal and professional level. A good time for contracts and negotiations. If you’re single then this is a good time to put yourself out there, Cupid’s arrow just may find its mark! If you’re in a relationship, find ways to enhance your love life and your connection with your significant other. Try to find balance in your life. Tone down any area of your life that has become too extreme. Reconnect with beauty, beautify yourself, your environment and your life. Also, try to have a better relationship with yourself.
You’re in the mood to make some changes for yourself and in your life Taurus. This is especially true in any area of your life where you have fallen into a rut. This is a good month for study, investigation and research. Money and finances will be at the forefront of your attention this month. For some of you there could be opportunities to improve your financial situation. For others you may find yourself spending more money than you would like which could put you in a little bit of debt. Regardless, you should review your finances, organize, budget and prioritize. This is also good time to clear some stuff out from your life that you no longer need, detox and cleanse, have a garage sale and lighten your load.
Okay Gemini it’s time to think a little bit more about your future. This is especially true if you’ve been feeling stagnant, in any area of your life. Where you want to go? What do you want to be? How do you want to get there? What you want to do? All of these sorts of questions will be coming up. Also, this is a time for you to review whether what you’re doing with your life is in line with your philosophy and beliefs. If you can it’s vacation time! If you can’t go on vacation right now then spend some time in nature, go for long walks or a nice road trip. Go to your local library, go to a bookstore or go see a good movie. Take some courses, sign up for a workshop or two, learn something new or enhance something that you already have.
Well Cancer, it’s time to burn the midnight oil…yay! Yup, you guessed it, it’s going to be a busy month. It’s a responsibility packed sort of time, and you’re takin care of business both at work and at home. You’ll be amazed at how much you accomplish this month, if you organize yourself appropriately of course. If you don’t then don’t be surprised if you get a little stressed. There will be no doubt a great deal of focus on your career, lots of action and activity. For some of you this may just mean that you’re crazy busy at work, others may find opportunities for growth and yet others will find that it’s time to make a change. This is also a time for you to take on a leadership role and make some important decisions.
So Leo, it seems like it’s going to be one of those kinda months. You know, those times where life throws a couple of curveballs your way? So don’t be surprised if you find yourself needing to make some changes to plans. The key to dealing with these sorts of times is flexibility. Just go with the flow! This is a very active month for your social life, and a good time to engage in all types of social networking. It’s a good time to connect with groups of people and organizations. You’re going to be in a bit of a rebellious mood, so use this energy to your advantage and make changes to your life wherever necessary. This is a great time to break old patterns and habits and establish new healthier ones.
Happy Birthday! All right Virgo it’s time to get spiritual. What does that mean? Simple, reconnect with who you really are, be authentic and live more truthfully, honestly and simply. Of course frequent meditation and prayer are always a good thing. Go hug a tree, get creative or artistic. Sleep is very important, even more so this month. So just make sure that you get a good 7 - 9 hours worth and an afternoon nap. Dreamtime will be very active and may even bring messages. Speaking of dreams, it’s important that you make sure that you are following your dreams or that you realign your life with your dream or vision. This is a good time for all sorts of healing activities. Trust and believe in yourself.
It’s seed planting time Libra. This is a great month for you to begin or initiate any projects and to get things started. You’re in creativity mode, it’s time for you to create. This is an anti-procrastination time, if you’ve been contemplating, studying, researching or simply putting things off now’s the time to move. Basically, lights, camera, action! As the old saying goes, just do it! This is a good time also to improve your physical health and well-being, move that body and get exercising. This is also a time for you to reconnect with yourself, especially if you’ve been neglecting your personal needs because your focus has been too much on everyone else’s. Try to find a balance, include yourself in your own life.
What do you value Scorpio? This month, consider what is valuable to you in your life. Distance yourself or cut away anything that isn’t in line with your core values. This will also be a time of resource management. Make sure that you’re efficiently managing your time, energy, skills and money. Get in touch with the pleasurable side of life, engage in activities that you love to do, be around people that you love to be with and don’t be afraid to indulge a little bit more than usual. The core of this month’s life lesson for you is gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness. Count all of your blessings. Don’t be surprised also if you’re feeling a bit lazier than usual, and not so much in the working mood. Try to take some time off and relax.
You’re going to be a busy bee this month Sagittarius! You’re going to be socializing a bit more or a lot more than usual. Communication is the core theme of the month for you. So, if you’ve been waiting to talk to someone or express yourself now’s a good time. This is a good time for connecting with people, grow your network. You’re multitasking skills will be put to the test in many ways this month, make sure that you organize yourself appropriately or you may end up feeling very scattered doing five things at once and getting nothing done. Alternatively, if you organize yourself well then you could get tons done this month. This is a good time for travel, whether it be small road trips or a big vacation.
Connecting with your roots is one of your core themes this month Capricorn. One area concerning your roots is your home and family life. So, find the time to connect or reconnect with your family. This is also good time to do fixer-upper’s or renovations around your property. This time also favors buying or selling real estate. So, whether it’s literally putting your house for sale or investing in a new property or getting rid of stuff from your property like a garage sale or taking a whole bunch of garbage within your home to the dump. There could be times where you feel much more emotionally sensitive than usual, this just means that you have to pay more attention to or acknowledge your feelings.
It’s time for little bit of fun Aquarius! If you’ve been doing a whole lot of work and not enough playing, then that means that you’re unbalanced. Reconnect with the concept of playfulness, it’s a way for you to exercise areas of your brain that deal with matters of creativity and inventiveness. This is a good time to express yourself, to be seen and heard. So, it’s a great time for all types of promotional activities or advertising. Involve yourself in all types of creative or artistic activities. This may also be a time when you feel the need to reinvent yourself in some way, change something about your image, your hairstyle, how you dress, how you present yourself. Don’t be afraid of who you are, be authentic, live truthfully.
Health and wellness are on your agenda this month Pisces. This could be a good time to go get that long overdue checkup, start a new diet or exercise routine. It’s cleanup time, basically it’s a good time to get rid of any garbage in your life. Whether that garbage is in your physical body or in your outer world which could be a bad job, toxic relationship etc… Cleanup your life. You’ll also find that this is a very busy month filled with routines. You may also notice more breakdowns than usual, in other words you find yourself doing a whole lot of fixing and repairing, far more than usual. This could be everything from quite literally the kitchen sink, your car, a relationship or your body. Organize yourself, live more likely and efficiently.