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Join world renowned energy healer and bestselling author Cyndi Dale as she provides a comprehensive guide to energy and chakra work using the four pathways healing system. The concepts and techniques of this potent approach are designed to be totally aligned with love so that you can achieve the awakened state that brings true healing.
The elemental pathway works by addressing thoughts, feelings, foods, and other material substances. The power pathway helps you command the movement of forces. The imaginal pathway supports the transfer of energies between otherworldly realms and dimensions. The divine pathway helps you meet your needs in accordance with divine truths, which dissolves the negativity that results from unmet needs. Filled with more than forty specific hands-on exercises, this book shows you how to negotiate the four pathways through the subtle energy organs known as the chakras. You will explore the energy patterns and programs that underlie imbalances and illness and learn shift-healing techniques, methods for energy mapping, and Cyndi's signature Spirit-to-Spirit practice. The four pathways are interconnected and dynamic, so when your transform one you transform them all, leading to healing outcomes that are based in the unifying energy of love.
Fully comprehend those around you by learning to read their aura, the energetic manifestation of the soul. Watch for a dirty red haze around those who have just lost their temper, or an expanded aura for those doing philanthropic deeds. Learn to see auras through the proven methods taught by Richard Webster in his psychic training classes, including exploring the chakra system and learning how to restore balance. Then, begin to imprint your desires into your aura to attract what you want in your life.These proven methods for seeing and reading auras will help you:
Discover the meaning and mystery of auras, including their colors, visualization techniques, and magical rituals, in this beautifully illustrated mini guidebook.
Get to know the world of auras, from the meaning of each color and aural position to the techniques needed to see and interpret these energy fields. From compatibility between colors to the proper way to cleanse your aura, this magical primer enables you to explore the body's projected energies and bring balance to your wellness practice. Gain inspiration as you learn the crystals, essential oils, and meditations that nurture and correspond to each aura in the full-color, illustrated mini book.
Restore your optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual self! This ancient Indian system of healing focuses on energies originating in seven centers of the body. Dip into this colorful feast of ways to work on your chakras, using associations, crystals, meditation, visualization, foods, music, and exercise. Each chakra has its chart of correspondences, with color, key element, fragrances, and physical and mental functions. See how other healing disciplines incorporate chakra therapies.
Chakras are the centers of energy in our body that profoundly affect our well-being. Through this exquisitely designed volume, newcomers to this alternative form of spirituality can understand every aspect of chakra power. In addition to an illuminating introduction, a detailed guide covers each chakra, with their associated colors, Indian deity, healing stone, and emotional and physical actions. One by one, go through the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras, as well as some newly discovered ones and chakras from different traditions. There's also invaluable information on connecting chakras with aura reading and healing, and yoga exercises and meditations to strengthen each chakra.
Renew your life force with the chakras' seven energy centers
Chakras--seven power sources corresponding to your nervous system--are capable of revitalizing your body and restoring your spirit--and they're all natural, so no need for any caffeine or sugar!
This book will show you how to use these seven energy sources to instill a healthy balance and a happy life. You'll find clear information on what charkras do, simple practices to open and align your chakras, tips on using chakras to feel better in all aspects of your life, methods of measuring your chakras and their energy patterns, and even techniques to reveal any hidden chronic pain or anxiety you may have.
Let the pages inside this book energize the power inside of you!
Cristi Christensen's Chakra Rituals is a book that makes the ancient science of Chakras accessible to spiritually conscious women, and offers a seven-week step-by-step program.
Learn how to tap into the single most perfect system living inside of each of us―the seven Chakras.
While Chakras have become trendy, sexy, cool, and very spiritual, few people today really know how to activate the Chakras’ powerful energy for deep transformation. Cristi Christensen aims to change that, and Chakra Rituals offers readers a multi-dimensional, practical, and inspiring structured seven-week step-by-step program. Each week, readers are instructed how to activate a different Chakra, and each weekday they are led through a dynamic, easy, and motivating practice (altar building; breathing; meditation; vinyasa yoga flow, mudra, writing contemplation, and embodiment) which distills the esoteric concepts and makes them tangible, living experiences. A self-discovery and self-help guide with striking full-color illustrations, Chakra Rituals employs the Chakras’ potential to open the pathways to a full, enlightened “aliveness.” Seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike are invited to flow with their emotions, claim their power, transform their lives, and align with the divine.
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Explore the power of the seven chakras in your own life
Chakras: An Introduction to Using the Chakras for Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Wellbeing is a simple, modern guide to chakras, offering insight into how they function and how to access their healing energies in your own life. These seemingly mystical energy meridians are key centers of energy in our bodies; tapping into their power can promote health and happiness, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Designed for complete beginners, this latest title in The Start Here Guide series is meant to be the first book you read on the subject. Chakras offers a simplified history of the chakras, their key areas of influence, and most importantly, how to work with the powerful energy flow in your own life.
Author Tori Hartman is a professional intuitive who has worked with chakra wisdom for years and is deeply familiar with the transformative power of chakra energies. Throughout the book, she will lead you through modern chakra practices and provide practical exercises that allow you to experience the chakras yourself. A thorough resources section provides beginners with all the information they need to learn more and to dive deeper into their study of the chakras. Chakras is a truly exceptional guide for any beginner.
Other books in the Start Here Guide Series:
Energy Healing: Simple and Effective Practices to Become Your Own Healer
Forest Bathing: Discovering Health and Happiness Through the Japanese Practice of Shinrin Yoku
Meditation: The Simple and Practical Way to Begin Meditating
Discover the essential power of the seven chakras, including their colors, sounds, and key rituals, in this beautifully illustrated mini guidebook.
Get to know your seven energy centers -- muladhara, svadisthana, mapura, anahata, vishuddha, ajna, and sahasrara --in this enchanted introduction to the world of chakras. From the earthiness of the root chakra to the warmth of the solar plexus, explore the body's energetic focal points and bring balance to your wellness practice. Gain inspiration as you learn the crystals, essential oils, and meditations that activate and calm each chakra in the full-color, illustrated mini book.
You may think that difficult situations and emotions you experience are caused by other people or random events. This book will convince you that inner imbalance is not caused by situations in the outer world―instead, your imbalances create the situations that interfere with your sense of well-being and peace.
Chakras for Beginners explains how to align your energy on many levels to achieve balance and health from the inside out. In everyday terms, you will learn the function of the seven body-spirit energy vortexes called chakras. Practical exercises, meditations, and powerful techniques for working with your energy flow will help you overcome imbalances that block your spiritual progress.
How to work with the chakra centers to heal unresolved psychic wounds
• Reveals how psychic injuries become lodged within the energy body
• Links one major developmental stage with each major chakra
• Provides a detailed guide to healing and clearing the tensions each chakra holds
The chakra system identifies eight centers in the psycho-anatomy of humans, each one associated with a different part of the physical or energy body. Susan J. Wright, a practicing shaman and Gestalt psychotherapist, uses her own life journey to show that each chakra also is linked to a different stage of emotional and spiritual development. In The Chakras in Shamanic Practice, she identifies eight key developmental stages of life, from birth to old age/death. Each of these life stages has various developmental challenges and potential traumatic events that will likely occur and affect the health and well-being of the individual.
Wright explains that life traumas experienced in particular developmental stages become lodged within the energy body as they cling to their corresponding chakra. By identifying and working with the chakra involved, a doorway can be opened to a world of transformative images, allowing powerful shamanic techniques to heal these psychic wounds. Providing both physical exercises and guided meditations that utilize the techniques of soul retrieval, working with power animals, and transcending trauma, Wright offers practitioners a way to gather and nurture the fragmented parts of their energy body and lead themselves to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
An accessible, authoritative guide on balancing your energetic body to heal both body and mind.
Chakras Made Easy is the ideal book for readers who are new to, or curious about, energy healing systems. Written by Anodea Judith, world-renowned energy healing expert, it offers a complete range of practical tools on using chakras to balance, heal and take charge of your wellbeing.
In this book, the reader will learn:
* the meaning, function, and purpose of each chakra
* the childhood experiences that affect and programme each chakra
* the role each chakra plays in our lives, including in our health, relationships, and decision-making
* physical, emotional, and mental signs of chakra imbalances
* simple yet powerful exercises to balance each chakra
* using the chakras as a tool for liberation, manifestation, reception, and expression
This book was previously published within the Hay House Basics series.
Have you ever wanted to get an immediate picture of someone's mood, personality, state of health, or true nature? It's easy to learn to recognize and interpret the aura―the colorful bands of energy that emanate from the soul. And once you do, you'll have a powerful edge in achieving goals, improving your health, helping others, and enjoying success in all areas of your life.
Based on decades of teaching thousands of people this life-enriching practice, Richard Webster shares proven, step-by-step techniques for seeing, feeling, strengthening, and cleansing the aura. Through meditations, visualizations, and creative exercises, you'll learn to tap into the body's chakra system―the energy centers that correspond to the aura's seven layers―and discover simple ways to:
You were born on a ray of light, born into a life purpose that lets you manage one chakra more than the rest, to create a dominant vibration within and without yourself. That is your master chakra, and it defines who you are and how you interact with others. Discover Your Master Chakra guides you in using your main chakra to achieve greater love, harmony with self and others, and fulfillment in life. Designed for beginners and beyond, this insightful book helps you:
Providing detailed information on each of the chakras and related spiritual gifts, Discover Your Master Chakra shows you how to best use your areas of giftedness and life's work to increase your master chakra's power and influence.
"Anyone wanting to understand themselves better will find that Larsen's work offers a clear-cut, alternate point of view."―Library Journal
A clear and comprehensive guide to the psychology of the chakras that is filled with practical techniques that anyone can apply in daily life.
If you've ever felt immediately comfortable-or uncomfortable-around someone you've just met, you've probably sensed a person's aura. Now you can learn to actually see the aura-the energy field that surrounds the human body. Popular author Ted Andrews presents simple and effective techniques for not only seeing auras, but also deciphering what the aura reveals about a person's physical, emotional, and spiritual self. Discover how to: See the colors of the aura and interpret their meanings Make simple tools to measure the aura Cleanse, strengthen, and protect your own aura Increase your sensitivity and intuition Boost your energy and improve your health
Learn the basics of auras and how to apply their powerful energy fields to heal mental, spiritual, and psychical blockages for stability, clarity, and calmness in your life.
This accessible and beautifully designed guide to auras includes a frameable poster that outlines the unique characteristics of each aura layer.
Auras are layers of energy within our bodies that interact with each other to express our emotional, mental, psychical, and spiritual health. After a thorough introduction of how to read each aura and its unique healing properties, In Focus Auras gives exercises on how to harness the power of each field and direct these powerful energies to:
The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects. Authored by experts in their respective fields, these beginner’s guides feature smartly designed visual material that clearly illustrates key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book includes reference cards or a poster, held in an envelope inside the back cover, that give you a quick, go-to guide containing the most important information on the subject.
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Become a more complete peaceful, spiritual, emotional, and physical individual with this elegantly designed essential guide to chakras.
Included inside the back cover is a beautifully illustrated 18 × 24–inch wall chart detailing the main characteristics of the major and minor chakras.
Chakras are energy centers in our bodies that act as the seats of our internal functions, such as health, state of mind, and body functions, as well as our external environments, like alerting us when a place feels right for us or when it makes us feel uncomfortable. However, the six major chakras—base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown—are many times blocked or misaligned, bringing about a host of negative ailments, feelings, and emotions. Thankfully, chakras can be corrected through various healing practices explained in this guide.
In Focus Chakra Healing provides in-depth summaries about each chakra, followed by expert advice from Roberta Vernon on how to identify and restore blocked, weak, or closed chakras through common holistic approaches, such as crystal healing, color healing, astrological healing, essential oils, and magic healing.
Common ailments addressed:
The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects. Authored by experts in their respective fields, these beginner’s guides feature smartly designed visual material that clearly illustrates key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book includes reference cards or a poster, held in an envelope inside the back cover, that give you a quick, go-to guide containing the most important information on the subject.
Build a Reliable System of Inner Wisdom Using Your Energy Body
This remarkable book makes it easy to receive intuitive guidance whenever you wish, be confident in your answers to life's big questions, and follow your inner wisdom to happiness and success. Lesley Phillips shows you how to develop your unique profile of psychic abilities through simple energetic techniques. By uniting your subtle body and intuition, you can heighten self-knowledge, reveal your inner truth, heal on multiple levels, and create your best reality.
Intuition and Chakras gives you the foundation needed to safely and effectively develop both your chakras and your intuitive senses. Discover many inspiring stories from Lesley's work with clients. Explore each chakra and how intuitive information flows through it. Featuring accessible exercises and meditations, this book helps you overcome challenges, turn your intuition into a practical tool, and lead a purpose-filled life.
As an added bonus, you'll get an exclusive link to meditation videos directly related to the book's core topics!
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Kundalini & the Chakras.
We all possess the powerful life force of Kundalini that can open us to genius states, psychic powers, and cosmic consciousness. For over ten years, this trusted guide has been teaching people how to safely and effectively use this potent natural energy for spiritual development. This updated edition of Kundalini and the Chakras features all new artwork and an added index. Genevieve Lewis Paulson''s warm, practical approach and transformative techniques for cleansing, balancing, and developing the chakras and their energies will help you realize your own tremendous creative and spiritual potential.
Every person, animal, and place has an aura: a rainbow-colored energy field surrounding us. With this introductory guide, you can learn how to identify and interpret auras, discover what their different colors mean, and heal and cleanse your own and others’ auras. In addition, renowned author Cassandra Eason provides a range of spiritually enhancing hands-on exercises to try.
Chakras began as part of the mystical Vedic tradition of Tantric and Kundalini Yoga, but they have evolved into pathways for healing and exploring the nature of consciousness. If you’ve ever wondered how to work with these amazing energy centers and optimize their benefits, this is the book for you. With gorgeous diagrams and visuals, and an accessible text by two renowned authors, it takes us into the heart of the chakra system, exploring its history and revealing how to use each one for transformation, well-being, increased vitality, and more.
A colorful and inviting introduction to an alternative and holistic approach to health and well-being
Chakras are your body's spiritual centers of vibrant, healing energy. This beginner's guide explains the seven major chakras, how to awaken them and how to channel their energy for optimum health and well-being. Exploring the mental and physical aspects of each chakra, the chapters reveal how diet, yoga and meditation can bring balance and harmony to your daily life. To complete this holistic treatment, the sections on crystals and essential oils show further ways of boosting vitality and cleansing mind, body and spirit.
Cyndi Dale, one of the world's foremost experts on chakras and energy healing, presents the most comprehensive, practical, and readable guide ever written on the topic. Lively and accessible, this definitive encyclopedia explores the science, history, practices, and structures of subtle energy systems, with chakras as the center point, distilling and synthesizing 12,000 years of cross-cultural knowledge. It features full-color illustrations, plus a wealth of exercises that you can use to immediately experience chakra healing and clearing.
Chakras are subtle energy organs that affect all levels of your being: physical, psychological, and spiritual. In Llewellyn's Little Book of Chakras, you?ll discover why these spinning wheels of energy, which look like vortices, are the key to living at your highest potential, with tips and techniques for using chakras to help you:
- Excavate the potential causes of life’s puzzles and predicaments
- Bolster healing and recovery from illness, psychological wounds, problematic patterns, and other physical and mental challenges
- Free repressed emotions
- Express feelings effortlessly and productively
- Transform work into a joyful vocation
- Solve financial and career difficulties
- Soothe the heart and create more loving relationships
- Attain a more constant state of peace and wellbeing
- Attune to spiritual guidance
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CHAKRA Card: Rainbow Of Chakra Centers: Our Body-Mind Connection. Correlates our physical health and body sensations in each body area with what's happening with us mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE CHAKRA SYSTEM? Many people focus on a single chakra - like the Crown Chakra for Spirituality, the Brow Chakra for Psychic Powers, the Heart Chakra for Universal Love, the Solar Plexus for Power (especially for those into the martial arts) and so on - each chakra's special attribute. And some people try to repress the 'lower' chakras as morally bad. BUT the real importance is to understand the chakras as The Energy System of the entire Mind/Body/Spirit Complex. WHEELS OF LIFE presents the Chakra System as a Formula for Wholeness and a Template for Transformation - actually a Map for the Journey through Life At the inner core of each one of us spin seven wheel-like energy centers called chakras. Swirling intersections of vital life forces, each chakra reflects an aspect of consciousness essential to our lives. Together the seven chakras form a system of modeling that consciousness that enables us to better see ourselves - in mind, body, behavior and culture. This system is a valuable tool for personal and planetary growth. Chakras are centers of activity for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. As all our action and understanding arise from and return to points within ourselves, our chakras, as core centers form the coordinating network of our complicated mind/body system. . . . The chakras are the master programs that govern our life, loves, learning and illumination. Like a rainbow bridge, they form the connecting channel between mind and body, spirit and matter, past and future, Heaven and Earth. As we spin through the tumultuous times of our present era, the chakras are the gears that turn the spiral of evolution, drawing our attention toward the still untapped frontiers of consciousness and its infinite potential. (from Chapter One) Wheels of Life is a system about a system - journeying the reader through the seven major chakras with theory, example, practical application and experiential exercises to accomplish the great work of personal transformation. Each consciousness is a unit in the evolutionary process moving us from what we are to what we can become, and through that process we realize ourselves as magicians, healers and visionaries. Wheels of Life takes us through each chakra to fulfill its potentials and then transforms and makes us whole. The journey is taken step-by-step, with each step bringing practical advantages in the development of inherent skills and abilities to meet the increasingly critical challenges of life in our times. Your life is filled with meaning and purpose. Its destiny is Enlightenment. Now, you must take the first step.
Wheels of Light explores the seven chakras, or energy centers, of the body with particular focus on the first chakra, which has to do with our basic life force, our physical bodies, and our sexuality.
Drawing on scientific research, Native American culture, the ancient traditions of the Egyptians and Greeks, the philosophies of the Hindus, and the religions of the East, Rosalyn L. Bruyere presents a unique perspective on the value and healing potential of the chakra system.