Arnica – Restores Over worked Muscles (Arnica Montana) Helps revive tired, aching muscles before and after physical activity. Use to treat severe bruises, sore muscles, swelling, sprains, fractures, joint pain and stiffness. Arnica oil draws fresh blood to the surface and breaks up congested fluid to heal bruising of the skin. Compress: Use a hot compress to help reduce pain or loosen arthritic stiffness. Do not apply to broken skin or open wounds. Avoid if pregnant or epileptic.
Basil – A tonic for fragile nerves (Ocimum basilicum) A herbal oil that helps alleviate depression, sharpen the sense and encourage focus and concentration. Use to calm hysteria or reduce motion sickness and stomach cramps. Relieves headaches, migraines, allergies, sinus congestion, asthma, flu and acne. It enhances the lustre of dull looking skin as well as hair. Massage: Apply on the stomach area to ease digestive problems, vomiting and nausea. Use sparingly. Avoid if pregnant.
Bay – Supports a Healthy Respiratory System (Laurus nobilis) Bay laurel essential oil has been traditionally used to support a healthy respiratory system. In the Middle Ages the laurel or bay leaf tree was often planted in front of a house for protection, and to promote success. Effective as an antiseptic, as well as antibacterial, anti-infectious. May cause skin irritation. Avoid if pregnant.
Bergamot – Stress Reducing, Uplifting & Refreshing (Citrus Bergamia) A perfume-like citrus oil used to reduce anxiety and fear and provide stability to the emotions. Anti-depressant action boosts physical and psychological energy. Inspires your day! Beneficial for people with eating disorders as it helps to regulate appetite. Strong antiseptic used to treat skin infections. Compress: Apply to reduce fever or soothe insect bites.
Birch, Sweet – Purifying (Betula lenta) This intense, sweet, woody, wintergreen-like scent is similar to root beer. It invigorates and refreshes the mind. An analgesic useful for inflamed tendons, arthritis, rheumatism and general muscle aches. Purifies the body by helping to release harmful toxins. As a diuretic this oil can help combat obesity, cellulite and edema. Boosts the lymphatic system. Hair care: Use for dandruff and to stimulate the scalp. Avoid if pregnant.
Black Pepper – Stimulating and Warming (Piper nigrum) A very spicy fragrance, highly stimulating and strengthening to the nervous system. Eases frustration and warms the heart, increases blood flow to the muscles/eases muscular aches & pains. Stimulates appetite/aids digestion, expels toxins. Bath: Mix 5 drops each of Juniper, Lavender, and Black Pepper to warm/relax the body. Diffuse: To help lower fever. Massage: Apply on the stomach to aid digestion. Avoid if pregnant.
A-U-M Mantra for the Soul
Essential oil blend of:
Lavender, champa, camphor, jasmine and frankincense.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Forest Fantasy - Mother Nature’s Remedy
Essential oil blend of:
Eucalyptus, lemon, spearmint, pine and champa
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Celebrate the powers of the Full Moon with this essnetial oil blend designed to help release and complete.
A blend of Amarys, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Grapefruit. Pure Essential oils.
Handmande in Canada
Divine Feminine Connection
Blend of Patchouli, Litsea Cubeba & Geranium. Pure essential oils.
Handmade in Canada.
Love is in the Air - Enhance Romance
Essential oil blend of:
Bergamot, palmarosa, sandalwood and rose.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Metamorphosis - Personal Transformation
Essential oil blend of:
Rosalina, lemon, lime, lemongrass and clary sage.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Harness the power of the New Moon with our essential oil blend designed to help manifest.
Blend of Cyress, Ginger, Orange & Cardamon. Pure Essential Oils.
Handmade in Canada
Rainbow Power - Full Spectrum Healing Essential oil blend of:
Orange, lemon, lime, champa, vanilla, myrrh and jasmine.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Nature’s Wisdom
Blend of Palo Santo, Rose 10% & Cedarwood essential oils.
Handmade in Canada.
Smarty Pants - IQ Enhancer
Essential oil blend of:
Grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, champa and litsea cubeba.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Soul Purpose - Inner Reflection
Essential oil blend of:
Champa, lavender, frankincense, myrrh and jasmine.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Sweet Serenity - Calm, Cool & Collected
Essential oil blend of:
Geranium, bergamot, spruce and blue chamomile.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Uplift - Heavenly Joy & Bliss
Essential oil blend of:
Grapefruit, rose, neroli, rosewood and champa.
These pure essential oil blends are safe to use in diffusers.
Camphor – Prevents Aging, Pioneering Spirit (Cinnamomum camphora) Camphor (white) is a balancing oil and helps to relax people who are generally nervous. Warms or cools where necessary. Helpful with arthritis, rheumatism and muscular aches and pains. Camphor has a crystalline structure that gives it the ability to amplify energy and awakens you to your consciousness in life. Skin care: Use to treat skin conditions such as acne, inflammation and oily skin. Use sparingly. Avoid if pregnant or epileptic.
Cedarwood – Calming & Balancing (Cedrus atlantica/Juniperus virginiana) A rustic, woody scented oil that is used to calm nervousness and fear, alleviate anger and aggression and provide stability. A strong antiseptic that is effective for bronchial/kidney infections. Supports breathing and clears nasal passages. Hair care: Astringent properties assist with oily hair and dandruff.
Roman Chamomile – A Traditional Remedy for Children (Anthemis nobilis) A highly respected, soothing oil that eases tensions, anxiety, anger and promotes relaxation and peace. It has been applied as a calming remedy for children for decades. Aids in reducing stress and insomnia. Useful in regulating the menstrual cycle and easing pain from PMS. Known as a powerful skin tonic that decreases inflammatory conditions. Skin care: Use for itchy and dry skin. Can cause sensitization. Avoid if pregnant. This product is a 10% dilution in jojoba oil.
Champa (Mix) – Exotic Perfume and Aphrodisiac (Michelela champaca) This delightful, sweet, delicate, floral scent is a special blend of Champa, Basil and Jasmine. Use to relieve anxiety, depression and fatigue. Also helpful for reducing fever, swelling and pain associated with arthritis,. Blood purifier. Perfume: Use alone or in combination with Sandalwood/Ylang Ylang. Avoid if pregnant.
Cinnamon Leaf – Rejuvenating and Antiseptic (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) This familiar warm aroma is a great mind and body revitalizer, helping to alleviate exhaustion, depression and weakness. A powerful antiseptic used for respiratory ailments/resisting viral infections/cold and flu and helps ease breathing. Assists in blood circulation and purification. Soothes arthritis diarrhea, menstrual cramps, heavy menstruation, yeast infections and digestive problems. Use with caution; can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Avoid if pregnant.
Clary Sage – Relaxing, Hormonal Balancer (Salvia sclarea) This acrid herbal oil is a powerful stimulant for the nerves/anxiety and panic. It is a good hormone balancer and this a good tonic for the womb. Strengthens the defense system and aids with convalescence. Bath: To help alleviate menstrual cramps. Skin/Hair care: For greasy or problem skin. Do not mix with alcohol or use while driving. Too much can produce a headache. Avoid if pregnant.
Clove Bud – Uplifting and Antiseptic (Syzygium aromaticum) A strong, spicy and penetrating aroma. It has a positive and stimulating effect on the mind, helping with depression. It also helps with sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis. Can be used as a disinfectant. Diffuse: Use to clear the air of viruses. It dilated the respiratory tract. First Aid: The germicidal properties of this oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, toothache, sore gums and mouth ulcers. Avoid if pregnant.
Cocoa – Uplifting and repairing (Theobroma cacao) The bean or pod of the cacao tree is where chocolate essential oil, known as cacao absolute, is extracted. Cocoa absolute has a characteristic chocolate aroma. Highly recommended for chocolate lovers, as the aroma is like that of fine dark chocolate. Cacao absolute is known for its high concentration of antioxidants, which work to keep body cells, collagen and elastin from damage, by free radicals. Other therapeutic uses for cacao absolute include: being used as a natural way to improve skin and to decrease depression, increase overall health, and lessens stress. Use in low concentrations. This product is a 10% dilution in jojoba oil.
Coffee – An effective anti-aging formula (Coffea Arabica) Strong, rich aroma of dark roasted coffee. Coffee oil is antioxidant-rich and a beneficial addition to anti-aging skincare formulations. It also contains a small amount of caffeine, making it desirable for anti-cellulite body care products. Also known to combat depression, respiratory issues, stings, fevers, and general nausea. Diffuse: into the air to use as a deodorizer. Avoid if pregnant.
Coriander – Mentally Uplifting and Releases Toxins ( Coriandrum sativum) This sweet, woody-spicy, musky scented oil is a stimulant used to combat fatigue and enhance memory/creativity. Helps flush out toxins/fluids that contribute to arthritis/gout/muscular pain/rheumatism/poor circulation. Also a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, useful for neuralgia. Apply for digestive problems and appetite stimulation. Can be stupefying in large doses. Avoid if pregnant.
Cypress – Calming, Soothing and Healing (Cypressus sempervirens) This green woody aroma has a soothing effect on anger and calms talkative or irritable people. It is used to control excessive menstrual flow/bleeding/sweating. Useful for the circulatory system and the liver, which helps the composition of the blood. Bath: To relieve swollen legs and ankles. Compress: Will help stop excessive bleeding. Inhalation: 2 – 4 drops on your pillow at night can relieve nasal congestion. Massage: Blend with juniper and grapefruit and massage on cellulite areas. Avoid if pregnant.
Eucalyptus – An Effective Respiratory Remedy (Eucalyptus globulus/radiata) A strong medical fragrance that aids concentration. Used in a number of respiratory remedies. Effective antibacterial/cough suppressant/expectorant. Its anti-viral properties help fight colds, flu and ease breathing, headaches, muscular aches and pains. Apply to burns and cuts. Has been used to treat malaria. Do not use if you have high blood pressure or are taking homeopathic medication. Do not use if epileptic.
Eucalyptus – An Effective Respiratory Remedy (Eucalyptus globulus/radiata) A strong medical fragrance that aids concentration. Used in a number of respiratory remedies. Effective antibacterial/cough suppressant/expectorant. Its anti-viral properties help fight colds, flu and ease breathing, headaches, muscular aches and pains. Apply to burns and cuts. Has been used to treat malaria. Do not use if you have high blood pressure or are taking homeopathic medication. Do not use if epileptic.
Fennel – A Tonic for Stomach Ailments (Foeniculum vulgare) This licorice-type fragrance supports the nerves and gives courage during times of adversity. Rids the body of toxins. A wonderful tonic for the stomach, assists with digestion and is helpful for weight loss and to control nausea. Skin care: Has a cleansing action on the skin and may postpone the appearance of wrinkles. Avoid if pregnant.
Fir, Balsam – Uplifting Yet Grounding (Abies balsamea) Its overall action is considered stimulating, and can be used to bring alertness to the mind, or diluted and applied topically to the adrenal areas to help general fatigue. Fir is often included in cough and cold remedies/rubs, and has been researched for its ability to kill airborne germs and bacteria. Massage: Dilute in a carrier oil for massage in cases of arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains.
Sold out
Frankincense – Comforting and Protecting (Boswellia carteri) Considered a ‘holy’ oil, this ritual oil is often used during religious ceremonies. Anoint the chakra points in meditation to help open up the psychic centres. Very effective at clearing up mucous and regulating its secretion. Supportive during labour and in cases of post-natal depression. Soothing and helps slow heavy menstruation. Hair/skin car: to balance and treat oily hair and skin.
Geranium – Heals body and psyche (Pelagonium odorantissimum/graveolens) This strong flowery fragrance has a calming/balancing effect. Known as a hormonal balancer, Geranium is especially beneficial for PMS, menstruation pain, mood swings, bloating and menopause. Can also be used to repel insects. Skin care: used to treat skin disorders such as eczema/dermatitis/shingles/ring worm as well as cuts and wounds. Its strength lies in its ability to revitalize tissue. Brings a radiant glow to the skin.
Sold out
Grapefruit – Detoxifying, reviving and euphoric (citrus paradisi) This crisp citrus oil is anti-depressant that reduces sress with its uplifting and rejuvenating effects. Aids weight loss/cellulite/lymphatic drainage/fluid retention/digestion/premenstrual tension. Eases grief, resentment and envy. Relieves jetlag and migraines. Hair care: promotes hair growth. Skin care: use on oily skin, acne and cellulite.
Hyssop – Respiratory tonic (Hyssopus officinalis) Sweet yet spicy, Hyssop is a nerve soother as well as a stimulant to help clear the mind. Powerful oil for the entire respiratory system, especially for chronic complaints/chest infections/clears the lungs of excess mucous/eases tightness in the chest. Anti-viral helps fight infectious diseases, such as herpes. A good tonic to the body when in a weakened condition of convalescing. Cold compress: add 2 drops to help heal a bruise. Use in small doses. Avoid if you have high blood pressure. Do not use with children. Avoid if pregnant or epileptic.
Juniper Berry – A traditional and effective diuretic (Juniperus communis) A sweet, fresh-woody-balsamic scent that will calm and rejuvenate the psyche. Supports the spirit in challenging situations. A remedy for skin/urinary tract/blood/nerve disorders. It is a good antiseptic. As a diuretic it has been used to cleanse/detoxify the body and relieve urine retention. Compress: use for eczema. Rub 2 drops on soles of feet for colds and flu. Avoid if suffering from kidney disease. Use in moderation. Avoid if pregnant.
Lavender – A broad spectrum healer (Lavandula angustifolium) Lovely, deep floral aroma that warms the heart and steadies the emotions. The most useful essence for therapeutic purposes, it fights infection, and eases muscular pain and headaches. Wonderful natural sedative for sleep problems. Inhalation: Put a few drops on your pillow at night to aid sleep. Neat: On cuts/scrapes/burns the healing/antiseptic properties soon relieve the pain/inflammation/infection. Dab on insect bites to soothe itching. Do no use if you have low blood pressure. Safe for small children. Avoid if pregnant.
Lemon – Refreshing, uplifting and cleansing (Citrus Limonum) A familiar fresh, clean fragrance used for calming the emotions. Stimulates mental activity, increasing concentration/memory. Excellent antibacterial/disinfectant properties that can be used to soothe throat infections. Induces firmness in muscels, while refreshing the mind and spirit. Hair/Skin care: Use for oily hair and skin. May have a chemical response to sunlight. May cause slight inflammation or other discomfort to the body.
Lemongrass – Enhancing and reviving tonic (Cymbopogon citratus) An uplifting aroma that helps with mental exhaustion/jet lag, clearing headaches/relieving fatigue. Strong antiseptic. Effective with respiratory infections. Use on aching muscles/to stimulate circulation/to tone the skin. Helps keep insects away, a pleasant alternative to citronella. Foot bath: Add 3 drops to soothe tired and aching feet. Use sparingly. May have a chemical response to sunlight. May cause slight inflammation or other discomfort to the body.
Lime – Invigorating and elevating (Citrus aurantifolia) Restores health, an overall tonic for wellness. This crisp citrus scent uplifts and refreshes the senses. Alleviates depression/anxiety and inspires a tired mind. Strengthens the immune system and helps with coughs/colds/respiratory congestion. Stimulates digestion and boosts appetite. Skin care: Astringent for greasy skin. May have a chemical response to sunlight.
Litsea Cubeba – Prized for perfume blending (Litsea cubeba) A fresh, fruity, lemon-scented oil that has an uplifting effect on the mind and body. Antiseptic/disinfectant/insecticidal/deodorizing properties. Improves appetite, relieves flatulence and indigestion. Mix with water for cleaning surfaces in the home. Massage: Blend with ginger, coriander or mandarin essential oils to combat digestive problems. Skin care: A cleansing oil, used for treating acne/dermatitis and greasy skin. A small amount goes a long way. May have a chemical response to sunlight. May cause slight inflammation or other discomfort to the body.
Mandarin – Safe for the young, old and pregnant (Citrus reticulate) This sweet, almost floral scented oil is calming and soothing. It relieves nervous tension/insomnia/restlessness. Diffuse: To create a soothing environment or to assist with sleeping difficulties. Massage: Apply to the stomach to relieve digestive problems. Skin care: Useful for acne/congested/oily skin/scars/spots and stretch marks. May have a chemical response to sunlight.
Marjoram – Comforting, calming and warming (Organum marjorana) This bold herbal fragrance promotes good health, and comforting during times of grief. Calms the nervous system/alleviates anxiety/a tonic for hyperactive people. Aids in reducing muscle pain/rheumatic aches/swollen joints by stimulating blood flow. Lowers blood pressure. Use for stomach cramps, indigestion, headaches and migraines. Helps cleat the head during colds and flu. Diffuse: TO calm and promote clear thinking. Massage: An effective after sports rub. Can be stupefying in large doses. May have a chemical response to sunlight.
Melissa – Uplifting and refreshing (Melissa officinalis) This oil is a strong tonic to the nervous system. Can be helpful for anxiety/panic/vertigo/worry/depression/nervous tension. Soothing when experiencing grief, shock, or bereavement. Assists in lowering high blood pressure and regulating the menstrual cycle. As an antispasmodic, helps respiratory system with asthma, bronchitis and chronic coughs. Can have a cooling effect on fevers and ease headaches. Use in moderations. May have a chemical response to sunlight. May cause slight inflammation or other discomfort to the body. Avoid if pregnant.
Myrtle – Mild respiratory aid, suitable for children (Myrtus communis) A clear, fresh, camphoraceous, sweet-herbaceous scent. Use for children’s respiratory problems, asthma, bronchitis and coughs because of its mild nature. Use as an immune booster to combat colds/flus/infections/diseases. Astringent and anti-bacterial. Useful in treating acne/oily skin/large pores/haemorrhoids. Massage: Apply to the chest for respiratory infections.