What does it mean to be psychic? Is there another "reality" beyond the visible world? Psychic powers are as natural as any other ability, and they can be developed just like any other skill. The 400-plus tips and tricks in 10-Minute Crystal Ball will help you expand your ability to see into the future, understand yourself and other people better, and create your own reality.
Sharpen your intuition and divination powers with techniques that can be performed in minutes:
Say goodbye to expensive psychic readings. 10-Minute Crystal Ball will teach you all the tricks of the trade—allowing you to open new doors and explore fresh opportunities as you uncover the wisdom you never knew you possessed.
Saint Christopher medals, ankhs, birthstones, four-leaf clovers―all are examples of magical objects used for protection or to attract good luck. This introductory guidebook tells you everything you need to know to make or find talismans, amulets, and charms, and use them to improve your life. Author Richard Webster shows you how to create, charge, purify, and empower your own personal magical objects for a variety of purposes, from attracting love to attaining wealth. With protective amulets from around the world and a dictionary of lucky charms, this easy-to-use book is designed so even absolute beginners can achieve success with their own magical objects.
Take your magical work with crystals to a new level with this hands-on guide packed with spells, rituals, and methods for using stones in creative ways.
Wiccan author Ember Grant explores crystal magic in depth in this practical manual. Learn about the types of crystals, rocks, and gemstones, and get tips on purchasing, cleansing, charging, and storing them. Explore methods of magic such as crystal grids and numerology, quartz points and clusters, metals and alchemy, glass and sand magic, magical jewelry, elixirs, personal power stones, meditation, and divination.
Find dozens of spells that you can use for home and garden, health, love, problem solving, dreams, astral travel, and much more. Practice the exercises to expand your knowledge, and copy the grids to create your own layouts. Extensive appendices of correspondences and a glossary make this guide useful for beginners as well.
• Explores 455 crystals, minerals, gemstones, and their metaphysical energies, including vivid color photographs for each stone
• For each stone, shares its scientific information, its element and chakra correspondences, its history, and its physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits
• Includes guidance on how to work with crystals and stones and also explores the concept of crystal resonance
Offering an illuminating alphabetical journey through the mineral kingdom, this comprehensive reference guide takes you deep into the world of crystals and their uses for spiritual awakening and self-healing. Exploring 455 gemstones and their metaphysical energies, the encyclopedia includes vivid color photographs for each stone to aid identification and showcase its beauty, as well as listing each gem’s physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.
The book begins with two introductory chapters by authors Naisha Ahsian and Robert Simmons detailing how to work with crystals and stones and exploring the concept of crystal resonance. Each stone entry includes the mineral name and photo, its elemental and chakra correspondences, keywords that indicate its properties, and a description of the crystal structure, hardness, history, and known locations of each mineral, plus any relevant legend or lore from the past. Each author then offers personal insights on the subtle energy properties and spiritual applications of the stone. The entries conclude with the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing qualities of the stone and an affirmation for evoking its potential benefits. This edition also includes an index of the stones’ healing and energetic properties, making it easy to find the stone best suited to your needs.
Comprehensive and stunningly illustrated, this essential reference celebrates the beauty and healing potential of 500 crystals and gems. Step-by-step instructions cover divination, spiritual development, and personal empowerment-everything from headache relief to finding love and improving family relationships to warding off workplace bullying. A table on each page informs readers of essential facts on each stone, and there's advice on usage, cleaning, and care.
Practitioners of holistic medicine who prefer the benefits of a natural, noninvasive healing method will find everything they need to know in this lovely guide.
Cosmic Crystals shows you how to work with the phases and signs of the moon to energize and amplify the power of your crystals.
Living in sync with the rhythm of the lunar cycle is a powerful way to stay aligned to universal energy. Crystals and moon magic have been used together to this aim for centuries. Crystals are natural amplifiers of energy that can be used to enhance your connection to the moon and its healing energy.
Learn crystal meditations and rituals for each moon phase, as well as which crystals are most potent during New Moons, Full Moons, and other lunar events. Cosmic Crystals shows you how to combine the power of lunar energy and healing crystals to create sacred space, set intentions, and manifest magic and abundance in your life.
For each moon, find information on how to work with its corresponding crystals and energetic qualities, along with lists of its associated herbs, colors, essential oils, animals, and deities.
Written by leading crystal expert Ashley Leavy and including lavish photography, this beautiful book will have a place on every crystal enthusiast's book shelf.
The Crystal Alchemist goes beyond the basics of most reference books to offer specifics on how you can enhance your life with crystals every day.
Crystals have long been known for their beauty and mysterious qualities. And, when used strategically, crystals can also help you cultivate a more conscious, contemplative, spiritually fulfilling life. Whether you’re new to gems and stones or have been collecting for years, this brilliant and comprehensive guide will show you how to best use them in daily rituals.
Written by healer, metaphysical practitioner, and Reiki master teacher Karen Frazier, The Crystal Alchemistprovides everything you need to know to tap into the truly transformative power of crystals. You’ll learn how to:
WithThe Crystal Alchemist, you’ll discover more than just the properties, colors, and types of gems and stones. You’ll find ways to personally incorporate crystals into each and every day to create a life of contemplation, intention, value, and meaning.
In Crystal Angels 444, Alana Fairchild, author of the bestselling Kuan Yin Oracle, offers a truly unique approach to crystal healing, combining the natural healing properties of each crystal and its crystal angel or spirit with divine guidance channelled from heavenly angels such as Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, Metatron & Melchizedek. Together they help you bring your spirit and body together as one and live with more peace and prosperity, passion and purpose. Each chapter deals with a powerful precious stone and its heavenly angel and features a range of sacred rituals & processes to help you fully harness the healing potential of that stone, deepen your connection with yourself and the divine guidance supporting you and tap into the many gifts hidden within you.
You will delve deeply into a variety of topics including love, power and protection, eating and body image, self-esteem, addiction, feminine/masculine balance, wealth and prosperity, connecting with divinity, speaking your truth, dealing with your emotions, developing your spiritual talents and much more.
You have important healing work to do on yourself and for the planet. Crystal Angels 444 is written for you, to help you successfully complete your task, with greater happiness and fulfilment.
Featuring 18 full-colour Crystal Angel Mandalas by artist Jane Marin.
Crystal remedies for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Whether you are suffering from stress, insomnia, loneliness or heartbreak, or looking to improve your relationships, attract wealth, or let go of your fears, this book can recommend a crystal to help your cause. With detailed descriptions of 75 crystals, their attributes and powers, and information on how to select, cleanse and care for your crystals, and how to put them to use, this book will help you to harness the powers of crystals to heal yourself and transform your life. Divided into eight main chapters, each relating to a specific area of your life, this book is inspired by the ancient apothecaries of days gone by, which formulated medicines and dispensed healing herbs, while offering a wealth of advice and services to soothe their customer's ailments.
Quartz crystal balls and crystal bowls are popular magical tools. Yet, not everyone understands the extent of their power and multipurpose potential. Ted Andrews reveals how these dynamic instruments can be used for divination, astral projection, spirit communication, healing, and reaching higher states of consciousness.
Readers will learn many methods of crystal gazing, along with ways to enhance this practice with candles, fragrances, and elixirs. Also included are techniques for divining with water, communicating with angels and spirit guides, developing clairvoyance, and activating creativity. This updated edition also contains new illustrations.
Beautifully illustrated, The Crystal Bible offers a comprehensive guide to crystals, their shapes, colors and applications. With informative descriptions and an easy-to-use format, it is an indispensable practical handbook for crystal lovers and users everywhere - both beginner and expert alike. The book's directory format and beautiful, full-color photos ensure that the crystals are easily identifiable. Descriptions, which accompany each of the crystals, provide all the information on their appearance, worldwide distribution, attributes, actions and healing properties. All the major and less known stones currently available are contained inside, including those only recently discovered. A comprehensive index cross-referencing crystals to applications, aliments and conditions make this book a vital reference for all crystal users.
If you loved The Crystal Bible, you'll definitely love this companion to it! The Crystal Bible 2 provides an essential companion reference to the original bible, fully describing the properties of over 200 crystals not found in volume 1.
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This third volume of the bestselling Crystal Bible presents more than 250 new generation, high-vibration stones for healing and spiritual transformation. Included are many rare minerals whose esoteric properties are not described elsewhere. This essential guide also includes a section on crystal skulls, crystal beings, Madagascan stones, and how to work with the new chakras, such as the Soul Star and Manifestation chakras, that are stimulated by the powerful crystals featured.
De-stress, recharge, and tune into your intuition with this indispensable guide to unlocking the power of crystals and creating positive change in your life.
More than just sparkly decorations, crystals are ancient objects that possess holistic healing benefits to manifest harmony, health, and connection with ourselves on a deeper level. For crystal healer Tamara Driessen, they've been part of her life since she bought a hunk of rose quartz when she was eight years old. Ever since, she's used crystals to guide and heal herself, and later, others in one-on-one client sessions and sold-out monthly workshops in London. She sees these glittering stones as cosmic technology, absorbing, transforming, and transmitting energy. Within this book she teaches us about the unique properties of 70 potent crystals--each beautifully photographed--and how to work with them, whether you're looking to quiet your mind, enliven your heart, or cleanse your living space. Find out what crystal you can use to:
• Boost confidence (peacock ore)
• Calm anxiety (pure white celestite)
• Feel more centered and in control (purple amethyst)
• Get over your ex (rosy pink kunzite)
She also includes best practices for cleansing your crystals (for the purest connection possible), programming them (so they know what you want help with), and charging them outdoors (to give them an energy boost from the elements). And whether you're a modern mystic, a newbie collector, or just crystal curious, once you've discovered which crystals are calling to you, Tamara's meditations and rituals for releasing negative energy will help you follow your intuition and shift or center your priorities.
This comprehensive directory of 100 essential crystals specifically addresses the manifestation power of crystals while also detailing their attributes, powers, and divination strengths. The Crystal Directory is both a practical handbook packed with advice and a fascinating source book that includes the attributes of each stone and its spiritual qualities. It includes introductory chapters on what crystals are, both from their scientific legacy and their magical one, caring for and choosing crystals, the importance of chakras and color, plus background on why these particular stones have been used for centuries to help us get what we want out of life. There is also a practical chapter about working with these stones specifically chosen for manifestation. The alphabetical source book section that follows provides information about the uses and benefits for each crystal listed. Each profile has information of crystal appearance and color, availability, physiological correspondences, keywords, geological background and shape/structure, legendary uses, attributes and powers, and how to use the stone.
This book is a comprehensive, yet easy to understand guide to the use of crystals and gems for internal growth, healing and balance in your daily life. Discover new resources, learn how to extend your personal awareness and centre by attuning to crystal energies. The magnitude and potential of crystals and gems to impact positively our personal lives and the evolving planet we live on is significant. Some of the topics explored in this book are: What are crystals physically and esoterically?; Working with crystals for self-healing; The ancient art of laying on stones; Psychic Protection; Generator Crystals; Important healing stones and their uses; Double terminated stones and their functions; Crystal Meditations; Black Holes. The book is designed for the lay person, as well as the professional, to give the basic understanding necessary to use the healing properties inherent within the mineral kingdom to improve the quality of our external and internal lives.
Manifesting from your soul feels good. It isn’t about forcing the world to bend to your will; it is about co-creating with the power of life itself. This book on crystal spirituality is your guide to the many ways you can manifest from your soul. From exploring the power of sound and light to aligning with the energy of crystals, you will be offered many ways to heal and manifest your divine destiny. Celebrate being different, honor being a rebel, and express your passion as well as your compassion with accessible, crystal-based instruction.
Crystal grids are effective for transforming your life in a dazzling array of powerful and practical ways. Whether you desire to find love, attract wealth, bless your home, overcome anxiety, or clear negative energy, the crystal grids in this book will help you achieve your goals. With simple instructions and comprehensive insights, Crystal Grids shows you how to choose the best crystals for your purpose, select a grid shape that will enhance your intention, clear and position the stones, and activate the grid.
Discover how you can use crystal energy for improved health, wealth, relationships, and a better life. This book also includes twenty-nine expertly designed grids that you can use immediately to reinforce and magnify the power of your crystals.
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A single crystal is a powerful tool. Think then how potent a crystal grid might be. A grid comprises several crystals and sets them in a geometric arrangement with a specific intention or outcome in mind. They can be used for health and wellness, abundance and prosperity, protection, love, or simply for inspiration.
The combination of the power of your chosen crystals in a geometric pattern greatly strengthens your focused intention and helps to manifest results much more quickly.
Crystal expert and author Kiera Fogg has put together 50 grids, exquisitely photographed in a range of settings. The sacred geometry of each grid is revealed in an artwork map, so it can be recreated at home. The photographs are so vivid that they also can be used as a meditation tool in and of themselves.
Crystal therapy has long been used as a gentle system of holistic healing. By drawing on the unique qualities of crystals such as quartz and amethyst, you can balance the energy fields around your body, home, and office to bring well-being, and gain health benefits. Crystals can help soothe emotional problems such as anxiety, mood swings, or shyness, as well as physical symptoms such as migraines and allergies. In addition, crystals can act as natural energy boosters and aid in detoxifying our systems. With crystal remedies for 250 common ailments and a directory of 250 crystals as well as detailed explanations of the most effective healing methods, this book is the ultimate guide to healing with crystals. *A practical guide including treatments for 250 common ailments. *Fully illustrated with colour photographs identifying 250 crystals. *Crystal healing is based on traditional principles and has been practiced for thousands of years.
A guide for health, well being, sexual therapy, and opening up the chakras to love using the power of crystals. Engage the chakras as a roadmap for self-discovery, harness the power of crystals, and practice self-love through erotic spirituality. The flow of energy through our chakras (the energy centers of our bodies) is essential to our fundamental well-being and our ability to experience our lives fully. When chakras get blocked, the natural flow of energy is hindered, and we experience disconnection from our physical bodies. Crystal healing can release blockages and bring necessary attention and self-care to our wellbeing and help to heal physical or emotional trauma. Whether you’re new to crystals or experienced with crystal healing, Crystal Healing and Sacred Pleasure offers all the essential information and techniques you need to get your energy flowing freely again.
To access the power of crystals, you must know their stories. Crystal Lore, Legends & Myths presents the fascinating histories and legends of the world's crystals—from the first “mother” civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis through Ancient Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome right up to the present day.
Crystals, gems, and semi-precious stones have long been sought for their beauty, power, and utility. Historically used as adornments, currency, talismans, and amulets, crystals have been reputed through the ages to bestow magic and power on the user. However, in order to fully harness each stone’s unique power, one must know the unique legends and lore attached to it.
Every stone has a narrative or key that unlocks its power. In Crystal Lore, Legends & Myths, leading crystal expert and metaphysical teacher Athena Perrakis presents the fascinating history of the world’s most powerful stones. Organized chronologically, and anchoring the journey in seminal moments, contexts, and civilizations that played important roles, learn the history, properties, and how to access wisdom from the crystals of: Atlantis and Lemuria; Egypt and Mesopotamia; India; Minoa, Greece, and Rome; Aaron’s breastplate from the Bible; interdimensional awareness; quantum healing; and the zodiac. Among them, discover:
Crystal Lore, Legends & Myths brings the history of gemstones and crystals to life in a way that honors the magic and mystery of a romance with gems that stretches back millennia. Learn the fascinating stories of how gems and minerals were used to raise power, store wisdom and secret teachings, and give incredible healing—and tap into the powers of the crystals yourself!
Crystal Magic combines in one gorgeous volume a practical directory filled with the magic of crystals with guidance on how to charge your spellcraft with these sacred stones.
Crystals harness their magic from the earth, and through channeling their energy you can supercharge your spellcraft. Uncover all of the practical ways that you can foster a meaningful connection to the earth and each crystal’s spirit within these pages. With over 30 different crystals cataloged in a directory, you can familiarize yourself with the most widely used sacred stones. Whether through harnessing the power of sacred geometry or using them to enhance the aesthetic and energy of your altar, crystal magic is an essential part of a witch’s repertoire.
Within these pages, you’ll find:
Break into the core of your power with Crystal Magic.
The Mystical Handbook series from Wellfleet takes you on a magical journey through the wonderful world of spellcraft and spellcasting. Explore a new practice with each volume and learn how to incorporate spells, rituals, blessings, and cleansings into your daily routine. These portable companions feature beautiful foil-detail covers and color-saturated interiors on a premium paper blend.
Featuring eighteen full-color Crystal Angel Mandalas by artist Jane Marin, Crystal Masters 333 shows how to combine the natural healing properties of each crystal with wisdom teachings from the loving Ascended Masters, such as Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Jesus, the Buddha, Mary Magdalene and Merlin.
Two popular practices—crystal and energy healing—in one great, expert handbook!
Krista Mitchell (Change Your Energy) is a master at crystal healing, and with Crystal Reiki, she has created a handbook for practitioners both amateur and professional. This hot new technique combines crystal layouts with energy healing to treat a variety of ailments. Fully illustrated and easy to use, this comprehensive guide teaches the fundamentals of working with crystals and chakras; explains how healers should prepare themselves, their space, and their tools; covers four levels of healing that include auras, body, mind, and spirit; and stresses the importance of self-care for healers themselves.
Harness the energy of crystals through healing rituals during each lunar cycle.
This practical book offers real-life crystal and lunar rituals and healing applications that can be practiced every day:
Crystal Rituals by the Moon has been created as not only as a guide for beginners, but for seasoned crystal collectors and healers.
The star light within your heart will lead you to sacred fulfillment for the spiritual benefit of all.
This book is for star seeds, old souls, lightworkers, visionaries, healers, and hearts who hold a curiosity for the stars. This unique and powerful approach to crystal healing connects you with loving stellar beings and the precious stones that embody and enhance their transformational energy. Alana grounds the teachings with relevant and practical examples and the healing processes help you harness the therapeutic potential of each stone and form a bond with the stars so you can receive their wisdom and blessings.
Aligned with the 11.11 frequency, your celestial guides will help you shift personal paradigms and make rapid spiritual progress. Discover the healing and belonging that only comes from experiencing unity with the stars and the earth. Connect with Sirius, Andromeda, Alcyone in the Pleiades, Vega, Arcturus, and others as you delve into treasured spiritual lessons on authenticity, soul passion, dark initiations, the cosmic priestess, supreme spiritual protection, and more.
You have illuminating sacred work to accomplish for yourself and the planet. Prepare yourself for the next stage of your journey with teachings and tools to help you shine like the star being you truly are.
Includes 18 full-color crystal mandalas by soul artist Jane Marin.
Beautiful, mesmeric, tactile, and easily available, crystals are natural and powerful tools for bringing health, wealth, love, success, and spiritual harmony into your life. This illustrated guide introduces 101 crystals, arranged for easy identification in 12 sections by color. Discover each crystal's healing qualities, star sign, and chakra point, and how to work with it to benefit body, mind, and spirit. Follow the tips to enhance everyday living, including how to wear crystals for energy, display stones at home to encourage calm, or place one under your pillow for sweet dreams. You can learn how to choose the crystals that are right for you, discover your birthstone crystal, and ask a question with a crystal pendulum. As more and more people are becoming aware of the power of crystals, this timely guide will help you find the right crystal for every need.
The authors of the bestselling Wiccapedia, and creators of the successful Modern-Day Witch series, provide an in-depth guide to crystal craft, and the magickal properties behind individual stones. Includes a twelve page four-color insert on 20 essential crystals!
In their follow-up to the popular Wiccapedia and other books in the Modern Witch series, Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway offer readers an authoritative, in-depth guide to crystal magick and spells. They explain how crystal craft works; how to choose and collect magickal stones; and how to care for, charge, program, and house your crystals. They provide information on crystal circles, wands, and sabbats, as well as an A-Z list of the most commonly used crystals and their magical properties. Spells cover everything from protection, healing, and mindfulness to blessings and divination. Readers will learn how to incorporate crystals and gemstones into daily rituals and enhance their lives with healing crystal magick.
In The Crystal Year, Claire Titmus, Advanced Crystal healer and owner of The Crystal Bar, shares crystal wisdom to support you through the seasons.Split into the 12 months, The Crystal Year teaches you how to harness the properties of all the crystals lurking in your collection by aligning them with key dates and seasons. In January, learn how carnelian can support your New Year goals; in February, find out if rose quartz will help you find your Valentine. As the evenings get darker, discover just why emerald is the perfect crystal to help you survive Scorpio season. As well as key crystals for the month, Claire guides you through symbols and superstitions from the natural world, and shares self-care rituals, meditations and affirmations to support you through each phase of the year. Tune into nature and discover the magic of crystals in every season with The Crystal Year.
Rock your world, add sparkle to every day, and ultimately Crystallize your life.
Following on from the best-selling Crystals, this mesmeric guide will lead you on a spiritual journey through the properties of 50 unique crystals. From discovering which crystals spark joy, to following the crystal rainbow to that magical pot of enlightenment, you'll absorb the energy to enhance every aspect of your life. Whether rain or shine, work or play, Christmas time or Easter, let Yulia show you how these captivating clusters will make every day better. With chakras aligned, energy flowing and stones cleansed, there are no limits to the power you can harness when you Crystallize.
Discover the healing power of more than 180 crystals in this ultimate guide to mineral magic.
Crystals have been used for centuries around the world to promote wellness, fertility, prosperity, healing, and more. Founder of America's largest retailer of gemstones, Sage Goddess, and bestselling author of three books on metaphysical topics, Dr. Athena Perrakis dove deep into the crystal literature on a quest to heal herself and discovered the profound power of healing crystals. In this A to Z compendium of crystal wisdom designed both for beginners and advanced crystal healers, she collects their histories, geologies, mythologies, and healing capabilities all in one place for the first time.
Discover the power of crystals, from common stones to sacred rituals, in this enchantingly illustrated miniature guidebook.
Whether rose quartz, lapis lazuli, or amethyst, crystals are a beautiful and magical addition to your life! Learn the ins and outs of these mystical tools, including choosing and activating a crystal, basic properties of the stones, and how to create a crystal grid. Gain inspiration as you uncover the secrets to creating a crystal grid and learn to perform a crystal chakra ritual with this full-color, illustrated miniature book (size: 2 7/8 X 3 1/4 inches).
From choosing and using to programming, charging, and cleansing, Crystals is a modern guide to enhancing your life with these enchanting stones.
Often referred to as 'wisdom keepers', crystals hold millions of years of the Earth's history within them. Through emitting steady vibrations, they will help you to become more centered and balanced, creating spaces of Zen around you and your home. Featuring 51 of the most common and interesting crystals, this is a practical guide that will teach you about each stone's individual properties and how to harness their powers. Discover which crystals are right for you, where best to position them, the perfect pairings, and learn how to look after your crystals on a daily basis to deflect any negativity in your life.
Whether you use Jade to improve your health, Smoky Quartz to detoxify, or Rose Quartz to create harmony in your relationships, this practical guide will equip you with all you need to harness the power of your crystals. Disconnect with the digital world and reconnect with your spiritual self as Crystals provides a fresh take on crystal healing that helps you to enhance your inner positivity.
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The crystals reveal their secrets. . . The Witch's Apprentice: Crystals & Energies is a pocket spell book, providing everything the modern witch needs to know in order to live in harmony with nature and the elements.
Crystals & Energies invites you to discover the power of crystals crystals that can help us find balance and well-being by responding to our physical and psychic energies.
Best-selling crystal author gives practical instructions to protect our energy with crystals. This is a new edition of Crystals for Psychic Self-Protection.
Feeling like your energy is constantly depleted, your relationships are toxic and draining, and you don't know how to set clear boundaries?
We face more challenges than ever before: our bodies are attacked by pollutants, technology is taking a toll on our mental wellbeing--and the boss is really stressing you out! To protect ourselves from these energetic attacks, we can use crystals to heal, protect, and strengthen our energy shield. In this revised edition, best-selling crystal author Judy Hall explains:
- how you might be "leaking" energy, even if you don't know you are
- which crystals you should use to heal and protect yourself, whether it's from toxic relationships or from electric pollutants
- how to create safe spaces to restore and replenish
- how to tune into your chakras with crystals to enable inner healing
Judy shares everything you've ever needed to know to build your crystal kit. You'll soon feel healthier, happier, and calmer than you've ever felt.
A detailed guide for using crystals and gemstones to resolve negative karma and discover your soul’s purpose
• Details the spiritual and chemical interpretations of more than 50 healing stones as well as fossils, flint, and amber
• Offers advanced crystal exercises for past-life regression, cutting karmic cords, releasing cellular memories, and accessing the Akashic Records
• Demonstrates how to use crystal grids and layouts for healing karma and how to seek assistance from angels and other divine being
As direct geometrical expressions of the Divine, crystals have the ability to work upon the soul at the deepest levels. The more mindfully and conscientiously we spend time with these crystalline forms, the more crystalline we become in terms of our spiritual bodies and their inner, holographic perfection. As potent catalysts of elevated consciousness and overall spiritual growth, crystals and gemstones offer a powerful resource for resolving negative karma patterns and realigning you with the light of your soul’s purpose.
Detailing the spiritual and chemical interpretations of more than 50 healing stones, as well as fossils, flint, and amber, Nicholas Pearson guides readers through the how and why of resolving karmic knots and obstructions with the help of crystals. He offers hands-on crystal meditations and demonstrates how to use crystal grids and layouts for healing karma. He explains how to cleanse and program stones and shares more advanced crystal exercises for past-life regression, cutting karmic cords, releasing off-world karma and cellular memories, and accessing the Akashic Records to reveal your soul’s blueprint and rewrite its contracts with higher powers.
Explaining how to incorporate color, chakra therapy, gem elixirs, and dreamwork in your karmic crystal practice, Pearson also explores how to access the Violet Flame of spiritual alchemy, the Seventh Ray, to transmute restrictive karmic patterns. He introduces the Lords of Karma and other spirit guides, gods, goddesses, and angels who can help with karmic healing. He offers guidance on what stones are appropriate for everyday wear and on working with crystal skulls, Lemurian seed crystals, shungite, and time link crystals. The author also explains how crystals can be used to resolve planetary karma, releasing us into the next phase in the collective transformation of humanity. Unveiling the inner teachings of the mineral kingdom, Pearson shows that if you work with crystals consciously, reverently, and humbly, your life will transform.
Go from crystal novice to seasoned crystal collector and practitioner as you deepen your understanding with this inspirational and beautifully designed workbook.
Crystals are tangible energy stores that can help you navigate and master your body, mind, and spirit. For beginners to wielding crystal energies, this hands-on workbook is a collection of accessible and enriching exercises that will teach you the basics of crystals and crystal healing.
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Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
Practice an ancient magic that is both natural and powerfulthe elemental Earth magic of rock, stone, and metal. This comprehensive and clear guidebook by Scott Cunningham has introduced over 200,000 readers to the secrets of over 100 gems and metals.
Learn how to find and cleanse stones and use them in divinations, spells, and tarot readings. Discover how to determine the energies and stories contained within each stone, and the symbolic meanings of a stone's color and shape. Also included in this classic guide are:
Discover the magical and practical properties of gemstones with this classic work by America's first professional gemologist, George Frederick Kunz, presented in a luxurious hardback gift edition with gilded page edges.
This beautiful treasury is presented with gilded page edges, patterned endpapers, ivory pages and a gold embossed cover design. It makes a wonderful companion for anyone wanting to take a closer look at some of the sparkling stories within the jewels you recognize and wear.
The Divine Mine
Elemental Energy: Crystal and Gemstone Rituals for a Beautiful Life - Kristin Petrovich
An aspirational guide to incorporating the transformative power of crystals and gemstones into a stylish life, from the founder of luxury crystal-infused skincare line.
There are many reference books on crystals on the market, but there is no book like Elemental Energy, which guides readers through incorporating the beauty, allure, and power of crystals into a stylish life. With its elegant aesthetic and lush, fashion-forward photography, Elemental Energy is an entirely new take on crystals - one that captures their magic and magnetism, but for a decidedly modern twenty-first century life, from organic skin care to at home spa treatments.
Part aspirational, part prescriptive, Elemental Energy combines full-color photography throughout with innovative practices, tips, and techniques for harnessing the transformative energy of crystals and gemstones for optimal wellness and beauty. Author Kristin Petrovich founder of luxury gem-infused skincare line takes readers from the basics of crystal and gemstone energy to building an affordable, essential crystal collection; from crafting crystal-infused skincare to self-care with crystal and gemstone massage; from creating luxurious and restorative crystal-centric rituals to finding the perfect stone to enhance every occasion.
Timely and on-trend, Elemental Energy is the must have resource to a beautiful life infused with the energy of crystals and gemstones, from an unparalleled expert in the holistic, luxury beauty world - perfect for crystal obsessives and fashion savvy readers alike.
Your essential guide to the power of New Age elements!
From crystals and herbs to flowers and essential oils, this comprehensive guide shows you how to use a variety of New Age elements to enhance your life. Each page includes information on their attributes, healing properties, and how they can be applied in any situation. With detailed descriptions and an informative glossary, you can quickly discover the New Age element that best serves your purpose, whether it's promoting healing, activating creativity, or bringing about good fortune.
Complete with beautiful, full-color photographs, this book teaches you everything you ever wanted to know about crystals, herbs, and other popular New Age elements.
This ultimate go-to reference features 160 stones you can use to improve your life on all levels mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Packed with practical information from each stones Mohs scale rating to its divinatory meaning this unique guide has 190 beautiful full-color photos of specimens commonly found in metaphysical stores. Each page provides concise information: stone name, color, chakra, planet, element, zodiac sign, number, divinatory meaning, and mental, emotional, physical and spiritual uses. A series of positive affirmations is given for each stone, as well as guidance on how to use gemstones as oracles for personal development and spiritual awakening.
A witch-friendly guide to working magic with gemstones and crystals.
The energy contained within stones is a mysterious and invisible power as old as the earth itself. It is also an energy that, when properly harnessed, can enable a person to create powerful magic and reconnect with energies that animate the natural world.
Gemstone and Crystal Magic is a practical and comprehensive guide to the magical world of crystals and gemstones, including both precious and semiprecious stones. Written by a modern witch with firsthand knowledge of the occult properties of stones, this book is filled with numerous spells and rituals, folklore, and magical correspondences. It also explores gemstone curses and cures, and the many ways in which gemstones can be utilized as amulets for magical workings, as oracles for revealing the future, and as tools for healing one's body, mind, and spirit.
With the aid of this book, you will learn how to properly cleanse and charge stones, and also how to make homemade gemstone elixirs. Additionally, you will discover the secrets of using stones to increase your wealth, facilitate clairvoyant abilities, invoke deities, ward off bad luck and evil influences, draw love into your life, and so much more.
This book was previously published as Dunwich's Guide to Gemstone Sorcery: Using Stones for Spells, Amulets, Rituals, and Divination by New Page Books in 2003.
All the important information about 555 healing gemstones in a neat pocket-book! Though it may appear small, it encompasses the contents of a whole encyclopedia. This 2nd updated edition is based on new findings in mineralogy and new experiences and research results in the field of gem therapy, including information for an additional 125 crystals not present in the 1st edition, some of which that have been discovered in recent years. With Healing Crystals Michael Gienger presents a comprehensive directory of all the gemstones currently in use in crystal healing. Clear, concise and precise in style, with photographs of each of the crystals accompanying the text, he describes the characteristics and healing functions of each crystal.
The Illustrated Crystallary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Magical Gems
In the ancient world there were three medicine kingdoms: animal, vegetable, and mineral. Following her previous acclaimed volumes on animal (The Illustrated Bestiary) and vegetable (The Illustrated Herbiary), Maia Toll fulfills the call for mineral with The Illustrated Crystallary, exploring the mystical qualities of 36 fascinating crystals and minerals, including gold, silver, copper, amethyst, hematite, mica, smokey quartz, emerald, ruby, and more. Combining bits of ancient wisdom with her own insights, Toll explores the aspects and energy of each stone and, through rituals and reflections, the life guidance it might offer contemporary readers. Obsidian’s shiny surface and sharp edges reflect the shadowy corners of the self and serve as the tool for cutting them loose. The sky-like color of earthly turquoise provides balance between opposing forces. The stunning illustrations of Kate O’Hara magnify the symbolism of each crystal throughout the book, and are also featured on 36 oracle cards included in an envelope bound in the back of the book.
In Focus Crystals describes over 100 crystals, from amethyst to zircon, complete with detailed summaries of their uses, qualities, and strengths, all expertly presented by crystal therapist Bernice Cockram.
Included inside the back cover is a set of 7 double-sided grid cards that provide quick and easy reference to laying out crystals for healing, energizing, and more.
Feeling creatively or spiritually blocked? Having trouble sleeping? Perhaps you are suffering from a physical ailment? Regardless of what may be plaguing you, the innate power within crystals can have tremendous healing effects. This artfully designed guide covers everything you need to know to benefit from their healing power, including how to:
The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects. Authored by experts in their respective fields, these beginner's guides feature smartly designed visual material that clearly illustrates key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book includes reference cards or a poster, held in an envelope inside the back cover, that give you a quick, go-to guide containing the most important information on the subject.
This enchanting little guide contains everything you need to enhance your life using crystals. Focusing on more than 15 key crystals, each recommended to complement a particular area of your life, Judy Hall provides essential information on how to choose, use, cleanse and programme your chosen stone.