These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
Fluorite heightens your intuition. It can help maintain an unbiased impartiality when decisions need to be made.
The worry stone, named for its ability to relieve stress, has been used in many cultures. The idea of rubbing a small rock between thumb and finger to bring luck and remove problems is linked to the healing practice of acupressure, whereby applying pressure to certain areas of the body has various positive benefits. These copper worry stones relieve stress at the pressure points while copper conducts positive, vital energy.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
AVENTURINE is said to attract luck and prosperity. Said to uplift the spirits and enhance the sense of humor. It has a positive effect on the psyche and strengthens one's sense of well-being.
39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
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Ultra smooth semi-precious stones with a thumb sized indent are the perfect gift for soothing frazzled nerves using the healing energy of gem stones. Designed to fit comfortably in the hand these can be used for crystal healing or display. Place them under pillow, on parts of the body during meditation, use for massage or simply hold them to benefit from their metaphysical attributes.
Rose quartz is a member of the largest family of stones, the silica group, and is composed of silicon dioxide with traces of titanium.
As a healing stone, it emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all of the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self-love. The pink colour of rose quartz has been symbolic of love throughout the ages.
Ultra smooth semi-precious stones with a thumb sized indent are the perfect gift for soothing frazzled nerves using the healing energy of gem stones. Designed to fit comfortably in the hand these can be used for crystal healing or display. Place them under pillow, on parts of the body during meditation, use for massage or simply hold them to benefit from their metaphysical attributes.
Hematite is the mineral form of iron oxide. It is coloured black to silver-grey. Hematite is harder than pure iron but much more brittle. It will often form in layers at the bottom of a body of standing water or sometimes as the result of volcanic activity.
As a healing stone hematite is known as a stone for the mind. It brings mental organization and is very grounding and calming. It helps with original and logical thinking and decreases negativity. Use it to help balance the body/mind/spirit. Physically it has been used to keep the body cool, to decrease blood disorders, nervous problems and insomnia.
LEPIDOLITE - A pink to purple silicate. From the Greek word, lepidos, meaning scale which alludes to the scaly appearance usually common to the mineral. As a healing stone it clears electromagnetic pollution. This stone insists on being for the highest good. It balances the heart with the mind. Lepidolite is also known as a stability stone.
Ultra smooth semi-precious stones with a thumb sized indent are the perfect gift for soothing frazzled nerves using the healing energy of gem stones. Designed to fit comfortably in the hand these can be used for crystal healing or display. Place them under pillow, on parts of the body during meditation, use for massage or simply hold them to benefit from their metaphysical attributes.
Sodalite is a royal blue stone with white veining. It is a hard, yet fragile stone that is named after its sodium content. It is somewhat similar to lapis though it rarely contains pyrite and its veining sets it apart.
As a healing stone, it has been known since antiquity as the stone of artists because it is believed to be able to promote inspiration and creativity while also providing protection. Enhances communication and expression. Cuts through density and illusion bringing clarity and truth. Calms and clears the mind allowing it to become logical and rational.
Ultra smooth semi-precious stones with a thumb sized indent are the perfect gift for soothing frazzled nerves using the healing energy of gem stones. Designed to fit comfortably in the hand these can be used for crystal healing or display. Place them under pillow, on parts of the body during meditation, use for massage or simply hold them to benefit from their metaphysical attributes.
Calcite is composed of the same material as limestone: calcium carbonate. This semi-transparent crystal can be found in a variety of colours, such as orange, when it is charged with impurities.
As a healing stone, calcite is a powerful crystal that helps clarify vision, as well as clean toxins from the body and reduce stress. Orange calcite is said to restore mental and emotional equilibrium. It is often used to lift dark moods, especially after traumatic events.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
MOSS AGATE is said to refresh the soul and enables you to see the beauty in all you behold. Reduces sensitivity to weather and pollutants in the environment. Assists midwives in their work, lessening pain and ensuring a good delivery.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
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These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
BLACK ONYX is said to provide support in difficult situations and during times of enormous mental or physical stress. Centers your energy and aligns it with a higher power, accessing higher guidance. Aids in learning lessons, imparting self-confidence.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
AMETHYST is the purple variety of quartz crystal composed of silicon dioxide with traces of iron. Helpful in ridding nightmares. Just hold the Amethyst crystal on the forehead for a minute and ask it to guide you through a peaceful sleep, then place it under your pillow. Also helpful to calm an overworked and overstressed mind.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
RHODONITE - Stone of the Heart – said to clear, stimulate and activate the heart and the heart chakra. Balances yin-yang and aid’s in achieving one’s potential. Heals emotional shock and panic. Assists in reconciliation.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
Sold out
Ultra smooth semi-precious stones with a thumb sized indent are the perfect gift for soothing frazzled nerves using the healing energy of gem stones. Designed to fit comfortably in the hand these can be used for crystal healing or display. Place them under pillow, on parts of the body during meditation, use for massage or simply hold them to benefit from their metaphysical attributes.
Moss agate, also called mocha stone, is a semi-precious gemstone created from silicon dioxide that usually forms from weathered volcanic rocks. It is a form of chalcedony which includes green coloured minerals, mainly oxides of manganese or iron. These minerals embedded in the stone form patterns suggestive of moss.
As a healing stone it is stabilizing; strongly connected with nature. Moss agate is said to refresh the soul and enable one to see the beauty in all they behold. It is helpful in reducing sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants. Excellent for balancing emotions and centering the heart.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
TIGER EYE is a gemstone in which crocidolite has been replaced by quartz, while its fibrous structure is preserved. The shimmering eye-like nature, called chatoyancy, is caused by these fibers. Found primarily in Africa and India, it is prized as a gemstone and often fashioned into rings and pendants.
As a healing stone, tigers eye creates a balance of power, this protection stone assists in accomplishing goals. It is helpful for recognizing needs of both the self and others.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
OPALITE is a man-made opalized glass resin that is fused with metal to create an opalescent effect. It generally appears milky iridescent and is often used to place on the crown chakra. Others choose it to soothe frayed nerves.
Opalite is a highly energetic stone. Good for meditation, opalite can also remove energy blockages, give us strength and improve communication.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
STRAWBERRY QUARTZ - Strawberry Quartz is said to assist in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge. Hold Strawberry Quartz as an aid/companion during meditation or journeying. Perfect to add to a healing grid or use in a healing layout.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
ROSE QUARTZ - said to encourage self-love, ability to love others and a strong heart. Helps you become more heart-centered and trusting of your love. Good to use during any transition process.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
TIGER EYE – Stone of Faith - said to preserve the spark of trust in the Divine in dark moments. Said to assist your body when adjusting to new, higher energies. Clarifies communication between the physical body and mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Brings health, happiness, money, and success.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
Quartz is a member of the largest family of stones, the silica group, it is the second most abundant mineral in the Earth's continental crust. Since antiquity, it has been used to make jewellery and carvings. As a healing stone, it is known as the master stone, once thought to be solidified light. Special characteristics of storing (programming), amplifying and transmitting thoughts and energy. It is said to activate the pineal and pituitary glands. Quartz is excellent for meditation and accessing the higher self and guides.
AMETHYST is said to be a spiritual awakener that quiets the mind, promoting inner peace and understanding of deeper wisdom. Helpful for dealing with grief and accepting loss. Opens and energizes the crown chakra, stimulating inspiration and intuition
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
Moonstone is said to activate the creative and intuitive power of feminine energy. It is known to help balance emotions. Moonstone can promote introspection through its energy that is receptive and connected to the subconscious. It cultivates compassion and empathy and is highly valued by monks, shamans, and spiritualists of all backgrounds.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
Onyx helps to release negative emotions, sorrow, grief and it guards against negativity directed at you.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
Dalmatian stone, also sometimes referred to as dalmatian jasper is a trade name for a peralkaline rock (microgranite, aplite or rhyolite). It is a white feldspar-quartz mineral with black dotted inclusions of arfvedsonite.
It is often used for connecting with our inner child to let go of resentment, bitterness, or feelings of restriction to immerse fully in the positive aspects of life.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
AVENTURINE is said to encourage creativity, give courage and independence. Best for fear free thoughts. When we are not inhibited by fear we can create freely and attract what we truly deserve such as prosperity.
These "pocket tranquilizers" use a form of reflexology, or nerve pressure. Rubbing the smooth surface of the stone puts pressure on nerves within the thumb that may release endorphins, the brain's natural relaxants. Worry stones may vary in sizes.
HOWLITE is a borate mineral found in evaporate deposits. It was first discovered in Nova Scotia in 1868 by Henry How when miners in a gypsum quarry found it to be a nuisance. It is a whitish-gray colour with gray veins in a web-like pattern. Howlite is often dyed to resemble other stones such as turquoise or chrysocolla.
As a healing stone howlite is calming; used to relieve tension and anxiety. Place a piece of howlite under your pillow to fight insomnia.
Approx. 39~40mm long, 39~40mm wide, 5~6mm thick