These ammonites are sliced in half to show each individual chamber. Ammonite, which means coiled horn, was an air breathing invertebrate. It looked like an ancestor of the squid except its body was protected by a coiled, chambered shell. Ammonites flourished throughout the Mesozoic Era - about 250 million years ago. Considered to be a protective stone that provides stability and structure.
No two pieces are alike. Each one will slightly vary in size, shape and colour.
The name orthoceras refers to the long, straight conical shell. Orthoceras fossils are common, with global distribution in any marine rock, especially limestone. They are widespread in North America and also found in Morocco. These are the most common of the cephalopods which lived between 200 to 450 million years ago. Living cephalopods include the squid, octopus and Nautilus. The Nautilus is the most similar to the orthoceras because of its fully developed shell. What's interesting about this mollusk is that its feet grew out of its head! Each time its body became too big for the shell, a dividing wall, called a septa, grew to separate the old living chamber from the new one, this is what creates the fascinating lines we see in the shell fossils today! Orthoceras were able to propel themselves backward by releasing water from a tube that ran along its body, called a siphuncle, this tube also helped to create buoyancy when empty. All living relatives of these creatures are predators, so it can be assumed that the orthoceras dined on trilobytes! This makes an excellent starter piece or addition to any fossil collection.
No two pieces are alike. Each one will slightly vary in size, shape and colour.
Approx. 4 - 5 cm pieces
Garnet is a family of silicate of magnesium, iron and aluminum. The name originates from the stone’s resemblance to red pomegranate seeds (malum granatum). Due to its hardness, garnet is used largely in abrasives.
Known as the stone of health, extracting negative energy from the chakras, and transmuting the energy to a beneficial state. Garnet is said to enhance ones internal fire, bringing the creative powers to the stage of implementation.
GOLD ANGEL AURA - Clear Quartz, Gold and Iron give this stone an iridescent orange-gold color. Is said to help connect to the higher forces. It is used for visualization, dispersing dark states of mind, elevating the mood in joy and good humour.
Goldstone is manmade glass with flecks of copper suspended in it. Its invention occurred by accident in seventeenth-century Venice by the Miotti family. The glass is made in a reducing furnace with copper salts added, this smelts the copper salts back to copper, which then crystallizes.
As a healing stone, it is the stone of ambition and drive and has a gently uplifting quality. The metaphysical properties of copper are said to be the ability to aid the circulatory system, help strengthen bones and fight arthritis pain.
GREEN KYANITE is said to help those looking for the truth, and the true motives of others. It encourages love after loss, compassion, brings tranquility, stimulates psychic awareness.
Aura Quartz crystals provide a calm, relaxing effect on the emotional body and are soothing and healing to the aura. They are exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, old wounds, and long-held doubts about one's self-worth.
Hematite is the mineral form of iron oxide. It is coloured black to silver-grey. Hematite is harder than pure iron but much more brittle. It will often form in layers at the bottom of a body of standing water or sometimes as the result of volcanic activity.
As a healing stone hematite is known as a stone for the mind. It brings mental organization and is very grounding and calming. It helps with original and logical thinking and decreases negativity. Use it to help balance the body/mind/spirit. Physically it has been used to keep the body cool, to decrease blood disorders, nervous problems and insomnia.
Honey calcite is also known as amber or gold calcite. Calcite is composed of the same material as limestone: calcium carbonate. This transparent to opaque mineral can be found in a variety of colours when it is charged with impurities.
As a healing stone, honey calcite is known for its gentle amplification of energy. It also aids during the challenges that come with change. Just like other calcites it is helpful to intellect and memory. Honey calcite makes a wonderful massage stone. In physical crystal healing it is often used for the kidneys, bladder, female organs and mennopause. It is associated with the sacral and solar plexus in chakra healing, helping the two to balance.
HOWLITE is a borate mineral found in evaporate deposits. It was first discovered in Nova Scotia in 1868 by Henry How when miners in a gypsum quarry found it to be a nuisance. It is a whitish-gray colour with grey veins in a web-like pattern. Howlite is often dyed to resemble other stones such as turquoise or chrysocolla.
As a healing stone howlite is calming; used to relieve tension and anxiety. Place a piece of howlite under your pillow to fight insomnia.
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Mystic Merllinite is the metaphysical name given to indigo gabbro. This stone is more recently discovered and is mainly found in Madagascar. It has an amazing array of colours from light indigo to black. Gabbro refers to a large group of dark, coarse grained ingenious rocks. They are formed of silicate (quartz) and are rich in magnesium and iron. Gabbro is a combination of multiple minerals including feldspar, chlorite, serpentine, muscovite, pyroxene, hercynite and magnetite. Other trace elements may also be present.
In its spiritual aspect, mystic merlinite acts as a bridge between the spirit and the earth. It is used to awaken spiritual gifts and provide a deeper understanding of them. Mystic merlinite is sought after for amplifying intuitive skills of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience with humans, animals and even plants.
Jade, a stone with a long history, is solid to translucent green. Ancient Chinese symbolized it with courage, wisdom, justice, and mercy. The soothing green colour of jade makes it a wonderful healing stone, which increases fertility and longevity. It is an emotional balancer that gives the feeling of peace, steadiness, and nurturing.
Red jasper, which is a form of chalcedony, is caused by iron inclusions. As a healing stone, red jasper is gently stimulating. It is grounding and it brings problems to light. Red jasper makes an excellent worry stone.
Jet is compressed anthracitic coal originating from wood and is harder than the usual forms of coal. When held, it is surprisingly light for its size. In healing, it is a calming mineral which can be used to dispel fearful thoughts and to protect against illness and violence. It also helps in business and with finances. Aligns with the base chakra and enables the movement of the kundalini.
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Our Kyanite grade A stones (premium quality) have been hand polished. Being a product of nature, sizes and shapes will vary.
This balancing stone is known to be a natural pain reliever. Its high vibration can help raise the consciousness level
Labradorite, which is named after a major discovery in Labrador, is found in volcanic deposits, also known as spectrolite. Its attractive blue and green iridescence makes it suitable in jewellery and as a glaze for ceramics. As a healing stone, it can be used to assist in accessing the subconscious. It banishes fears and insecurities, and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.
The most important mineral component of lapis is lazurite. A number of other minerals may be contained within the stone such as calcite, pyrite and sodalite. Ground lapis was the secret of the blue in ultramarine, the pigment which painters used to paint the sea and the sky until the nineteenth century.
As a healing stone, Lapis Lazuli is said to help to expand awareness and intellectual capacity. Helps to stimulate emotional, mental and physical purity and clarity, supporting ones courage in activities culminating in the advancement toward universal wisdom.
Lava Stone, also known as Basalt, combines the elements of earth and fire to bring strength, energy, passion, self-restraint and common sense. Lava stone aids healing by increasing vitality and feelings of joy. It brings stability, grounding and a feeling of connection to the earth.
Leopardskin jasper is covered in orbicular spots, just like the animal it is named after. This form of chalcedony often contains red, orange, peach cream and brown, sometimes mixed with blues and greens. As a healing stone it helps to define dark as a compliment to light. Not surprisingly it is associated with many physical benefits such as drawing what is needed to physically heal. Leopardskin jasper is associated with shamanic travel and spiritual discovery. It helps to connect with spiritual animal totems.
A pink to purple silicate. From the Greek word, lepidos, meaning scale which alludes to the scaly appearance usually common to the mineral. As a healing stone it clears electromagnetic pollution. This stone insists on being for the highest good. It balances the heart with the mind. Lepidolite is also known as a stability stone.
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LITHIUM QUARTZ - Know as the Stone of Peace and Calm – is said to be an excellent cleanser for the chakras, also purifies water. Is a natural anti-depressant, lifting underlying conditions of depression to the surface, dissolving ancient anger & grief. Can also work to heal problems arising from past lives.
Lodolite - also known as Shaman Dream Stone, Inclusion Quartz, Scenic Quartz, Landscape Quartz, & Garden Quartz.
Lodolite is quartz with inclusions. These inclusions are mainly composed of chlorite associated with various iron oxides. Each stone is unique and different, you can admire splendid landscapes resembling coral reefs.
Lodolite is said to open ones consciousness to the higher dimensions so that one can gain insight into areas and issues affecting ones life. Supports meditative states so that one’s consciousness may travel to inner worlds to discover answers to questions and receive guidance.
The fun with magnets seems to grow with each one. String them together, make sculptures, or perform tricks for friends! Magnetic Sticky Stones are a popular imagination tool for kids over 8 and will appeal to both men and women as a creativity tool. Feel the power of magnetism with this fun learning tool, great for the fridge or other metallic surfaces in the home or office.
Hematite is said to have a positive effect on the bloodstream and increase resistance to stress.
Magnetic hematite is primarily natural hematite (iron oxide) mixed with highly metallic alloys to increase the natural magnetism. These materials have been heated and blended together, then exposed to an electromagnet to give it permanent magnetism.
Not recommended for children under age 8. Always use caution when playing with magnets. Do not ingest.
Our ever popular magnetic sticky stones with fantastic rainbow colour! The fun with magnets seems to grow with each one. String them together, make sculptures, or perform tricks for friends! Magnetic Sticky Stones are a popular imagination tool for kids over 8 and will appeal to both men and women as a creativity tool. Feel the power of magnetism with this fun learning tool, great for the fridge or other metallic surfaces in the home or office.
Hematite is said to have a positive effect on the bloodstream and increase resistance to stress.
Magnetic hematite is primarily natural hematite (iron oxide) mixed with highly metallic alloys to increase the natural magnetism. These materials have been heated and blended together, then exposed to an electromagnet to give it permanent magnetism.
Not recommended for children under age 8. Always use caution when playing with magnets. Do not ingest.
MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN – is said to have a gentle energy that will ground and protect its owner.
Malachite from Africa
Malachite is a stone of good fortune and prosperity / abundance, too. Malachite is also a very protective stone, being especially helpful for general protection, protection from evil, and protection for children. It is also an excellent protection stone during flying and other travel.
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Malachite from Africa
Malachite is a stone of good fortune and prosperity / abundance, too. Malachite is also a very protective stone, being especially helpful for general protection, protection from evil, and protection for children. It is also an excellent protection stone during flying and other travel.
The manganese in this variety of calcite gives it a pink colour. Calcite is composed of the same material as limestone: calcium carbonate. This transparent to opaque mineral can be found in a variety of colours when it is charged with impurities.
As a healing stone Mangano Calcite is said to soothe emotions and raise awareness. Amplifies energy, allowing you to connect to body, mind and soul energies. Excellent for the heart chakra, awakening self-love and nurturing. Heals nervous conditions, and lifts tension and anxiety.
Mookaite, also known as mookite, is a red and yellow jasper that sometimes contains purples and creams. As a healing stone it has strong grounding properties that help with self-esteem, fear and depression. It is good to use in negative situations, as it provides a shield over the user while working to neutralize the environment. It also helps one to be more social, encouraging new perceptions and improving communication.
Moonstone (orthoclase) is a semi-translucent stone that is made of albite and feldspar. Moonstone was very popular early in the 20th century and was extensively used in Art Nouveau jewellery.
MOONSTONE is said to be balancing, introspective, reflective and lunar. It is capable of helping one with the changing structures of ones life on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
Moss agate, also called mocha stone, is a semi-precious gemstone created from silicon dioxide that usually forms from weathered volcanic rocks. It is a form of chalcedony which includes green coloured minerals, mainly oxides of manganese or iron. These minerals embedded in the stone form patterns suggestive of moss. It is not a true form of agate, as it lacks agate's defining feature of concentric banding.
As a healing stone it is stabilizing; strongly connected with nature. Moss agate is said to refresh the soul and enable one to see the beauty in all they behold. It is helpful in reducing sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants. Excellent for balancing emotions and centering the heart.
Nuumite is said to be a very protective stone. It can protect one from negative energy of many, many kinds by wearing or carrying the stone, and is often sought for this shielding property. It is also helpful for removing energy blockages, and to clear the aura. The oldest living mineral on earth, formed over 3 billion years ago.
This special form of jasper, also know as orbicular jasper, is found in Madagascar. It is located at the edge of the ocean, and can only be seen and collected at low tide. All jasper is a form of chalcedony.
As a healing stone Ocean Jasper is said to help to love one's self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. Heightens awareness. The circular patterns on ocean jasper symbolizes that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern.
ONYX is believed to be one of the most powerful protection stones. By absorbing negative energies, it alleviates worries and tensions. Repels negativity and helps in getting thoughts structured. Known to help in astral travel.
OPALITE is a man-made opalized glass resin that is fused with metal to create an opalescent effect. It generally appears milky iridescent and is often used to place on the crown chakra. Others choose it to soothe frayed nerves.
Opalite is a highly energetic stone. Good for meditation, opalite can also remove energy blockages, give us strength and improve communication.
Calcite is composed of the same material as limestone: calcium carbonate. This transparent crystal can be found in a variety of colours, such as orange, when it is charged with impurities.
As a healing stone, calcite is a powerful crystal that helps clarify vision, as well as clean toxins from the body and reduce stress.
TURQUOISE is said to be a healer of the spirit, providing a soothing energy and bringing peace of mind. Was used in ancient times to insure property and to protect against accidents. Considered by Native Americans to be both a protective stone and bestower of goodness.
Over many thousands of years the cellular components of wood are gradually replaced by silica, which takes on the shape of the original material. Every detail of the original material is preserved. This is a form of fossil preservation called replacement or petrifaction.
As a healing stone, many city dwellers love it to keep the vibrations of nature nearby. It is powerful in removing obstacles or reaching goals.
This aptly named stone that looks much like an abstract painting is composed of a network of criss-crossed black lines on a whitish grey backdrop. Found in southwestern Utah, it is a metamorphic rock formed from Limestone. Geologically, a metamorphic stone forms deep in the earth, its essential nature altered by heat and pressure. Only those aspects of the stone which are impermeable to pressure and heat are preserved. The limestone was "cooked" by the introduction of igneous material which flooded the stone with solutions that travelled through a network of fractures. Picasso marble sometimes features reds and often cream colours.
Picture jasper exhibits combinations of patterns resulting in what appear to be scenes or images. This is caused by water or wind during formation. Ocean jasper has a soothing and nurturing effect and is great for emotional release. It protects against negativity and helps one to be grounded to the stabilizing energies of the earth.
Opal is silica which contains water. Because of its lack of clearly defined form, it is classified as a mineraloid. It forms under relatively low temperatures, usually in fissures of almost any type of rock. Precious opals display play-of-colour while common opal does not. Opals come in nearly any colour of the visual spectrum.
This beautiful pink stone varies between opaque and semi-transparent with some darker inclusions. Opal formed millions of years ago when silica and water flowed into the ground into cracks and open spaces. It gradually hardened and solidified. Opals are quite soft and sensitive to heat.
As a healing stone, opals are used to clear emotions and help balance chakras. This stone of hope is also said to bring good luck.
Each bag of stones has been hand polished and sizes and shapes will vary.
Tourmaline is said to protect from negative energies, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, prevents digestive system disorders, accompanies self-confidence, and reduces skin problems. It removes sadness and limits depressions. It is used to stabilize the chakras and remove blockages. Its pyroelectric virtues decrease the negative effects of electromagnetic waves. ADD: Information cards, describing the attributes of each semi-precious stone, are available at a low cost and will complement your tumble stone display.
Prehnite is a silicate which is usually light green to yellow in colour. It is the first mineral to be named after someone; Colenel Hendrik Von Prehn. Prehnite rarely forms distinct crystals, usually it forms as stalactites or botroidals. This particular prehinite is more specifically epidote in prehinite with black tourmaline.
As a healing stone, prehnite strengthens the life force and generally increases and stimulates energy flow. It aids spiritual communication through meditation or visualization, and is a powerful dream stone. It is also helpful in the healing of gout, anemia, and kidney problems.
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Pyrite, which is iron sulfide, has been easily confused with gold. Hence, the nickname, Fools Gold. It gets its name from the Greek pyr meaning fire because it gives off sparks when hit with a metal. It is believed that possession of pyrite attracts money. Some use Pyrite to stimulate the intellect and enhance recall of information. Good for those of us who can be forgetful.
Pyrite, which is iron sulfide, has been easily confused with gold. Hence, the nickname, Fools Gold. It gets its name from the Greek pyr meaning fire because it gives off sparks when hit with a metal. It is believed that possession of pyrite attracts money. Some use Pyrite to stimulate the intellect and enhance recall of information. Good for those of us who can be forgetful.
An effective grounding stone. It is said to strengthen the body’s energy field. Dissolves crystallized patterns and releases tensions at any level. Turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones.
Black obsidian stones have undergone a laser treatment which creates a beauticul rainbow sheen. While some practitioners prefer natural, untreated stones for their metaphysical work, many consider aura stones, with their pure components and synergistic energies, to be the exception to the rule.
Obsidian is quickly cooled volcanic lava. It is a natural glass. In healing circles, it is known as a stone of protection with grounding properties, it reduces fantasies and helps clear subconscious blocks. Absorbs and disperses negativity. Powerful healer for those attuned to it.
Rose quartz stones have undergone a laser treatment which creates a beautiful rainbow sheen. While some practitioners prefer natural, untreated stones for their metaphysical work, many consider aura stones, with their pure components and synergistic energies, to be the exception to the rule.
Rose quartz is a member of the largest family of stones, the silica group and is composed of silicon dioxide with traces of titanium. It emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all of the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self-love. The pink colour of rose quartz has been symbolic of love throughout the ages.