Join me for a beautiful evening of connection to like minded individuals, while I guide you through releasing what no longer serves you, then share messages from spirit through cards and being a clear channel for you at this time, then finish with a visualization that better matches who you are blossoming into now to gain clarity, confidence and refill. All of this focused to help you through these wild times. You can be effected in your individual life and in the conscious collective due to the whole world going this historic transition. My intention is to assist you to feel more balanced, peaceful and energized after attending this event. Right now many things are coming up for individuals and the collective to release and heal resulting in raised vibration/frequency. It is heavy challenging work at times and alot coming at everyone.
I normally facilitate this ceremony once a year in the beginning of February, but about a year and a half ago I was guided to continue offering it monthly to assist others through this process, when it is really needed.
I originally experienced this New Moon of the New Year Ceremony with Stephen Farmer Ph.D., while I was taking the Angel Therapy Practitioner training with Doreen Virtue Ph.D. Which was powerful, enlightening and effective. Stephen then gave each of us encouragement to go back and guide people through this amazing ceremony which I have done ever since. I am honored to share this with you!
Past civilizations would do this ceremony to connect with powerful heavenly helpers to receive assistance in coming out of the darkness of winter and into the light of spring. They would appreciate the gifts of these seasons, the rest, hibernation and inner growth of winter flowing into the awakening, higher energy and busyiness of the spring to let go of the old and plant seeds for a cornucopia of abundance in all areas of life
Time: 6:00-8:30PM
Cost: $40+GST
Facilitator: Renee Krizsan - Angel Reader, Reiki Practitioner