
The Divine Mine

Miracles of Horse Play - Linda & Rob Durward

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The Divine Mine

Miracles of Horse Play - Linda & Rob Durward

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Each card contains a synopsis on a particular topic from the perspective of “if your horse could talk what would he say”. To add a sense of reality, the style of presentation is such that the horse is speaking directly to the card user. In fact, most of the information comes from the Deva of the Horse (think spiritual CEO or key architect). To supplement the cards, the guidebook presents an expanded understanding of each topic. Nothing beats “hands on” experience to cement the wisdom offered here. We hope this is facilitated through the practical application presented with each card. Illustrations, a little rhyme and a blessing have been created to further reinforce each message. The blessings haveb een offered by our spiritual team to inspire you to enhance your experience with your horse. All in all, we are proud to offer “Miracles of Horse Play” in hopes that it strengthens the bond between you and your horse and that your soft, lovin side becomes more dominant in all your relationships! We urge you to “Giddy Uo Go” and get out with your horse! Enjoy, Linda & Rob

Created and printed in Alberta, Canada.