
The Divine Mine

Shamballa Bracelet - Amethyst & Hematite

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The Divine Mine

Shamballa Bracelet - Amethyst & Hematite

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Shamballa bracelets symbolize karma, inner peace, tranquility and happiness. Each semi-precious stone is combined with beautiful hematite beads and is held together with a black cord that easily fastens with two small beads at the end. Shamballa bracelets can be worn by men or women.

Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz crystal composed of silicon dioxide with traces of iron.

As a healing stone it is said to be helpful in ridding nightmares. Just hold the Amethyst crystal on the forehead for a minute and ask it to guide you through a peaceful sleep, then place it under your pillow. Also helpful to calm an overworked and over stressed mind. It is thought to dispel negativity and create a peaceful environment.

This hematite is polished oxide of iron. It is said to have a positive effect on the bloodstream and increase resistance to stress.