
The Divine Mine

Herb Bayberry Root Bark 4oz jar

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The Divine Mine

Herb Bayberry Root Bark 4oz jar

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Botanical Name: Myrica cerifera
Common Names: Bayberry, American bayberry, bayberry wax tree, myrtle, wax myrtle
Origin: USA

A New England tradition involves burning a Bayberry candle on dark winter nights to bring prosperity at New Year’s. The old saying goes, “A bayberry candle burned to the socket brings joy to the heart and gold to the pocket.” Give Bayberry candles as Yule gifts to pass the blessings on to friends.

Sprinkle Bayberry root around a burning candle to enhance money-drawing magick. Carry a piece of the root in your wallet next to your cash to ensure that your money will return to you.

When moving into a new home, dress a white candle with Bayberry oil and burn it on your hearth. The ritual is said to keep evil away and invite good fortune.

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