Botanical Name: Agrimonia eupatoria
Common Names: Church steeples, Cocklebur, Stickwort
Origin: Croatia
It is said that Agrimony magical herb protects against evil entities, and even poison.
It is thought when agrimony magical herb is aged, witches and other magical beings have this herb in both protection, exorcism, and divination however it can also be used in negativity magic and the black arts depending on your intentions.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
Botanical Name: Medicago sativa
Common Names: Chilean Clover, Buffalo Grass, lucerne, purple medic
Origin: United States
Used for rituals and spells to protect from poverty and hunger, best placed in a jar in the cupboard or pantry. Also, burn alfalfa and scatter the ashes around the property for this purpose. Also used in money spells.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
Botanical Name: Pimenta dioica
Common Names: Pimento, Jamaica Pepper
Origin: Guatemala
When used for rituals and spells, allspice can be used to attract money or luck. It can be used as an incense or added to incense mixtures. Allspice is also used to promote healing.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
Latin Name: Angelica archangelica
Common Names: Angelica Root
Origin: Bulgaria
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.
Angelica is a beneficial magical herb for your protection and healing spells and rituals.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
Botanical Name: Illicium verum
Common Names: Chinese anise
Origin: China
Star Anise is burned as incense to increase psychic awareness & abilities, placed on the altar to increase the power generated, and carried to bring luck.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
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Botanical Name: Withania somnifera
Common Names: Winter cherry, Indian ginseng
Origin: India
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.
The name Ashwagandha is from the Sanskrit language and is a combination of the word ashva, meaning horse, and gandha, meaning smell. The root has a strong aroma that is described as "horse-like." Long revered as an Ayurvedic Remedy, Ashwagandha is believed to relieve stress, increase energy levels and improve concentration. Ashwagandha has a mythical reputation as a herb of longevity and an elixir of life. It is useful for all who wish to strengthen their Chi, the vital energy of the body. It helps to cope with excessive stress and will strengthen the power of endurance. It sharpens mental powers and enhances the memory and will be a valuable aid to those who are studying. Last, but by no means least, its aphrodisiac powers will be appreciated by those who practice tantra or sex magic.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
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Botanical Name: Populus Spp.
Common name: Aspen, Poplar, Cottonwood
Use in anti-theft spells, and plant an aspe in your garden or field to be protected from thieves.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.