Celestite: Soft Awareness
By Adria Laycraft, Customer Service & Workshop Facilitator at The Divine Mine

Celestite, also called Celestine, is a soft stone both physically and metaphysically. It can be found in points, in geodes that are stunning to look at, and as tumbled pocket stones. They often look like ice crystals, or miniature blue icebergs.
A cleanser of physical and emotional environments, Celestite absorbs negativity and replaces it with a clean, fresh feeling, like a 'Bounty' sheet for your space. Celestite is recommended for calming children at bedtime or, when carried in a pocket or backpack, protection from bullying.
Celestite is the perfect stone for those suffering from fear and anxiety. It uplifts and calms, especially during emotionally trying times, and puts us on the path to inner peace. It calms mental torment, replacing it with total harmony.
Celestite is also about connection, intuition, vision, and protection. It is a stone of creativity, perhaps because of its ability to connect us to our intuition and sharpen the mind with mental clarity.
Also great for meditation and tapping into Divine guidance, Celestite enhances physic vision and dream work. It teaches us patience and trust...or more precisely, faith.
This is the stone for ear, nose, throat specialists that see the value of boosting their conventional treatments with crystal energy. It is known to aide in fighting infections and in weight loss.
The yellow variety called Golden Celestite is especially good for 3rd chakra work to learn faith or seek spiritual guidance in the right use of power.
All varieties of Celestite are sulfates. With a hardness of only 3, this stone fractures and scratches easily, so water and salt are not recommended. Also, direct sunlight will fade Celestite, so stick to gentle methods like moonlight or sound to cleanse.